Auto Insurance Providers Could Make Mistakes And Charge You More
Companies rely on so many employees and consultants to process quotes and claims. There could be slip-ups at some point that cause charging more to policyholders. Lately insurers have been outsourcing some of the functions to unlikely places and that could have raised the errors and problems.
Lately an insurance provider in Iowa discovered after complaints that they have been charging over the top thousands of dollars due to staff using wrong calculations. Following a protest, state regulators checked the said provider and made it to put it right. As a result thousands of car insurance customers got back hundreds of thousands of dollars refunds.
This is just one case that has been uncovered. There must be a few more of general or one off occurrances of overlooked charging too much. No one accuses any company or their advisors of deliberately bumping up the quotes although it is not unlikely.
It might be worth pointing out that insurance market is well regulated. Every state licenses companies that can sell insurance instruments in their limits. Furthermore, they have regulatory sections which respond to customer problems and deal with grievances about a specific excercise or firm. You could believe that they like to remain on top of any problems in the market. But that does not remove errors and concerns completely.
To be perfectly honest, hoping that companies never make any mistakes and be accurate all the time is not reasonable. Almost all the time there will be errors without regard to how great their running systems are. Providers fine tune their products by constantly correcting errors in their business channels. This is a perfectly usual practice in nearly all industries.
What these revelations emphasize is the necessity to go over your policy papers and price offered carefully. Possibly go a bit more and receive several quotes from rival sources and check it with your renewal terms. The goal is to ensure that there are no errors and issues and you yet have fairly competitive prices.
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