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According to the central meteorological offices Vibram FiveFingers and long-term forecast, 9, 11 and 14 — after the total rainfall of the middle and lower Yangtze typically have 50 mm – 110 millimeter, 130 mm – parts of northern south 180 millimeter, local area could reach 200 millimeter above. Perennial compared with most of the middle and lower Yangtze river, annual rainfall, parts of the partial 1 or 2 times more wide.

The rain didn’t can alleviate jiangsu Five Fingers Sale drought, today on sunny hot hot weather would come again. Yesterday, jiangsu observatory issued heat forecast, estimated in the future days, jiangsu western region of the highest temperature will return to more than 35 ℃, to the continuous drought. The alarm sounded again During the day, the university entrance exam candidates against life first challenge, drought-resistant responsibility also need to insist again. In the university Five Fingers entrance exam is expected to again), jiangsu is expected after rain.

It is reported, this summer, most Cheap Vibram Five Fingers areas in nanjing normal slightly more precipitation will give priority to, precipitation distribution uneven spacetime, meiyu periods much process precipitation. Of these, 6 months, August precipitation normal slightly more normal slightly less, July. In addition, this year – mod will still normal, in about June mid-late (perennial June 18), out normal or slightly later in July, about the middle of early beginning (perennial to July 10). Meiyu length is about 20 days.

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