Spring Cleaning Tips

“Spring time! After the long cold winter, spring has finally come knocking on your door. Let it in. It’s time to start planning family picnics, go hiking or reserve a cottage in the woods. Before you give yourself over to pleasant activities, you need to take care of your home. You know what they say – work before pleasure. Besides, what is more stimulating than knowing that after spending a weekend of cleaning your place you will be able to give yourself a well-deserved vacation outside the city next time you are off work? So, roll your sleeves up – the sooner you start, the sooner you’ll be done with it all. The easiest way to start would be to create a list of all the things that need to be done. Don’t be shy to include other family members in the process.

1. What can be worse than dirty opaque windows? Dirty windows and dusty curtains. Let the sunshine in. That will create a comfortable atmosphere and lighten up the rooms immediately.
2. Vacuum. You know the drill. Blast your favourite CD and dance around the house for a bit.
3. Wooden floor. Nobody finds the moody water stains all over the floor attractive. A very effective way to clean and polish your wooden floor will be using black tea. You can add some lavender oil as well. A litre of water and 4-5 tea bags would suffice.
4. Remove dust. All you need is a microfibre cloth. This is a task that your kids might be engaged in – whoever cleans more rooms, gets some extra pocket money.
5. Bathroom. That’s the beginning of the end so take a deep breath and give the bathroom floor a good scrub. To speed up the process, you can put towels soaked in vinegar around the shower and in the sink where there are hard water deposits before you start vacuuming. That will save you a lot of time and efforts.
6. Kitchen. If you are already done with the bathroom, the kitchen will be like a piece of cake. The places you shouldn’t skip are the oven, the inside of the dishwasher, the microwave and the kitchen pantry.

If you already feel tired and you can think of better things to do in your free time as spending some time with the family but you still want your home to be clean and presentable, there is another solution. Make yourself a cup of tea and type the magic word in any search engine: Balham cleaners( or the area you live in ). There are many cleaning companies which provide a variety of services designed to meet every family’s budget. Try it yourself. “

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