Natural Sinus Headache Remedies That Help!
To get rid of sinus headache you need to get rid of the mucus that blocks the sinus tunnels and cure the infection inside the sinuses. Here I want to give you 3 natural home remedies that can help you to get rid of sinus headaches quickly.
The first home remedy I prefer to talk about is our friend mint we are all familiar with. Mint is always the answer for a runny nose. It’s also very helpful when it comes to reducing the sinus infection and the mucus that blocks the sinuses. The only way to use mint is by sniffing it, so go and get mint crystals as soon as possible.
Hot spicy soup is always the answer to nasal congestion. It’s always recommended to drink hot tea when suffering from cold or flu, but with sinusitis you need to eat a hot soup with some spicy pepper because it has anti bacterial properties that you need right now to get rid of sinus headache and infection!
Ginger has the anti inflammatory properties to help you with the inflammation of the sinus tunnels and relieving the sinus headache. The most recommended way is to drink ginger tea – available, cheap and it’s also not bad at all with some sugar.
And now for the funniest remedy – put your feet into hot water and put a cold compress on your forehead. To tell you the truth I don’t know why it works but I know it’s somehow related to temperature differences that this method creates. It helped me so that is why I recommend it to you!
These remedies are great but there is much more effective and
faster way to get sinus
headache relief. Discover now how to get
sinus headache relief and
cure sinus infection in less then 2 weeks