Diagnosing Crucial Diabetes Signs
Type 1 Diabetes is a disease that is also called Juvenile Onset diabetes. It is subtle and often sneaks up on younger people. The other type of diabetes is type 2 or adult onset diabetes and is very symptomatic. In fact, Type 2 diabetes can often be predicted based on a person’s lifestyle choices and environment. To be safe,, you should still be on the look out for some of the major symptoms of diabetes. Diabetes can develop without being noticed which is why it is always wise to monitor for symptoms. Here are some of the major symptoms of diabetes that you need to watch for.
Have you noticed your weight has started to fluctuate? Does it feel like you eat all the time but you’re still losing weight? Has this been a relatively recent change? Are these weight changes happening without a change in your diet? This is one of the most obvious signs of the onset of diabetes. Diabetes causes this by wreaking havoc on your potassium levels which controls the amount of water in your body. It is the change in your water levels that causes your weight to fluctuate. If you notice your weight fluctuating wildly, contact your doctor immediately.
Excessive thirst is one of the diabetes syndromes that are very well known. On account of books in which popular characters explain their diabetes diagnosis, a lot of people equate excessive thirst with diabetes. Every person gets thirst. Excessive thirst is when you are drinking a huge amount of water – way more than the recommended daily amount (64 ounces) and you still feel as if you are “dying” of thirst. Nothing can make this thirst go away. If you undergo thirst like this, you should discuss it with your medical professional. It could be dehydration. More likely it is that something is playing around with your potassium level (which is one the main indicators of diabetes, also.
The primary symptoms and signs of the onset of Type 1 are nausea, vomiting and dehydration. These ordinarily happen when the body discontinues producing insulin or the levels of potassium go berserk. Type 1 diabetes is also called juvenile onset diabetes and is caused by genetics and heredity and not usually by controllable factors. If your son or daughter is behaving oddly and appears to have a stomach bug, requesting they have some testing for diabetes is a good choice. Most likely, a pediatrician will run some precursory tests anyway, just to rule the sickness out. It is true that symptoms of diabetes can vary from person to person. Symptoms will vary depending on the type of diabetes and the major contributing factors for that particular individual. In some cases, the only way diabetes is even discovered is the person gets tested for something else. Others suffer through all of the symptoms and are misdiagnosed a few times before the doctor gets it right. It is important to have a clear discussion with your doctor if you have any of these symptoms.
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