Brett Chepenik’s Timed Exercise Provides A Complete, High-Intensity Workout To Clients
A certified fitness expert, Brett Chepenik is the president of an innovative personal training program called Timed Exercise that provides clients with a complete, high intensity workout. This program incorporates cardiovascular and strength training using a variety of exercises including deadlift, and helps you to improve your current fitness levels in less than thirty minutes a day. An integral part of personal training programs, deadlift is a weight exercise that targets several muscle groups such as hamstrings, lower back and glutes. The high-intensity nature of this exercise forces the body to release large amount of anabolic substances like growth hormone, which results into strength and muscle mass gains. As it works on several muscles, especially core muscles, deadlift can help improve your posture, reduce the lower back pain, and ultimately boosts up your metabolism. In order to reduce the chances of injuries, it is important that you take the assistance of a certified fitness expert who is knowledgeable and has extensive experience in the fitness industry.
The right way of doing deadlift is as: stand with your feet about shoulder width apart, and grip the weights in front of your thighs. Keeping the back straight and shoulders back, tip from hips and lower weights towards floor. Now lower down as the flexibility allows, you can bend your knees a little in the starting. An important benefit from deadlift exercise is improved grip strength that help to improve various other lifts such as bench press. Deadlift requires you to hold pounds of weight manually, which further helps in strengthening forearms and increasing grip strength. Moreover, it also helps to burn unwanted fat because you are working on many muscles at the same time when performing deadlift.
Brett Chepenik is a well-known fitness personality who has trained a large number of athletes from major tournaments such as NFL, SR PGA and LPGA. He is also the creator of X-fit fitness program and appears regularly on the local Fox Action News Morning Show as a fitness expert. Furthermore, Brett Chepenik has been also featured in Jacksonville business Journal ‘Up and Comer’ – which is actually an achievement given to only those individuals who strive to make a difference in their industry and within the society. Since past fifteen years, he has performed more than 15,000 training sessions. For more information about Timed Exercise by Brett Chepenik, please logon to