How to develop the domestic market size of plant protein drink?

Domestic vegetable protein drink almost juice, milk drinks, carbonated drinks segment beverage industry in parallel, but in today's Sell Scale disparities. Coconut coconut milk, Chengde Lolo two giants, Department of Plant protein drink (not including the other series the two companies Drinks ) The scale of the combined sales of 18 billion yuan, the plant protein beverage industry as a whole less than 5 billion yuan sales volume. This is a potential 500 billion of the domestic market capacity, from very different.

Plant protein drinks, though with natural, nutritional and other natural advantages, but the volume is always difficult to break. What caused the delay of its development, sales volume is difficult to break through? And how can it break through the bottleneck sales?

Five key factors that hinder the development of the industry

1, single-product Commodities Regulations First Package Material monotone, tin cans material 3 has almost become a unified product packaging.

Second, too little product variety, market, plant protein drinks, mainly coconut milk, Almond Lu, peanut dew, walnut, soy beverages (supermarkets only brewed into tea) and other broad categories. Most of the industry's leading brand beverage products of plants are very small. Such as: Coconut palm, Chengde Lolo almond gel, such as Dazhai walnut. Apart from silver heron and a handful of companies to develop a small number of hybrid plant protein drinks, the other basic take is a single product line. Product Planning regulations are too monotonous and texture can not adapt to different sales channels and differentiation taste needs;

Third, small packaging capacity to palm coconut milk and vegetable protein represented Chengde Lolo beverage companies, 240ml capacity is only enough equipment around and drink packaging volume of the first difficult to quench their thirst with beverages should first meet this rigid requirements to match.

Fourth, product packaging can not move forward with the old packaging, dated the same can not meet the consumer demand of modern fashion.

2, channel performance is weak Plant protein drink as a typical fast moving consumer goods, the channel performance ignores the convenience of fast consumer goods to buy and emotional impact of visual product sales of the two main factors. Into the major supermarket beverage area, the display can be said plant protein drink alone and a small row of face, a kind of single season season, all kinds of drinks vigorously compete for sales of terminal resources, plant protein drinks to the heap, side frame, Big row face, shaped so eye-catching display uncommon; the usual point of sale terminal display with the atmosphere of the performance is Xingyingxiangdiao.

By the author visited the various types of terminals and understanding of the situation, an effective network of plant protein drinks coverage below 40%. Middle schools, the station terminals, tourist attractions, cafes and other terminals to meet the effective rate is not very high; even some, such as Wal-Mart and other large commercial systems are difficult to find modern tracks. The main channel for food beverage sales are less than in more performance, relatively rare in large-scale food terminal, distribution rate of small and medium rare restaurant. Train, buy, and other special sales channels are subject to feel powerless to do this.

3, promotion conservative Plant protein drinks industry to promote the company to do the media only two or three, CCTV has become almost the only choice for plant protein drinks, few other media can be seen in their Advertisement . The rest of them do follow-up, copy, leaving the palm coconut milk in the product packaging and had to indicate on the hard wide and emphasis on "authentic brand coconut palm tree"; Chengde Lolo publicity in the media and channels: "Lulu is not equal to almond juice ", to show that they are authentic almond juice. Plant protein beverage industry actually is still in dispute as the period, the market Education Promotion is evident.

4, consumer orientation and its narrow

Palm coconut milk "drink every day in vain and tender!" Slogans, demands that the whitening; "drink Lulu, really moist!" Also highlights the beauty effect.

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