Sean O’Brien
Sean O’Brien has a wonderful collection of books drowned, swept all before, winning both before and TS Eliot Prize and confirming a place of O’Brien at the helm of his generation of poets. O’Brien’s new collection will continue to explore the post-industrial urban landscape and pastoral did, but November is also the most skeptical of his poems and vulnerable later. After a brief opening of lyrical beauty (fireweed), a collection on the road with a dark ambiguous tribute to the power and caprice poetic inspiration “Next Thursday.” In this brilliantly conceived portrait of Muse, Miss Next surfing see various historical catastrophes and to celebrate, while “riding on the tank / decorated with roses in the capital in ruins The poem begins:.” Muse, a former Miss Next Thursday, / to keep all the letters in the letter, but said nothing.
One day the mail to another person / postcard nineteenth century – / moving train smoked Alamo – / But he’s already left for the winter and nursing castle Rilke. The gods themselves / I have your phone number private. It is only once. ”
The mysteries of love and inspiration are venerable themes, and these lines are densely allusive, but with discretion. The second line carries an echo of Auden: “Who’s Who”, a sonnet by TE Lawrence “. The greatest figure of his time” to the astonishment of his biographers, Lawrence said Auden loved a homebody, “some do not told all / many of his wonderful letters, but, he said. “The wink Donald Justice” The telephone number of the Muse “is more likely to fail, justice is little read in the UK, despite being one of a generation of American formalist poets (with James Merrill, Anthony Hecht and Richard Wilbur), defended by Michael Donaghy, who decided in November player enjoyment. does not depend on referrals to the service, but will be enriched if you hear the silent assertion O’Brien tradition.
White Enamel Jug “is another highlight. All Ardennes is an indefinite past, the poem opens tender love scene in which a pair of” the happiness that has / For him and no memory. “But the man is described in a “deserter” woman This case does not hold, a small chain of sound. Pitcher of the mother, both in appearance (“a woman to handle the curve) and activities (we are told that when milk is not abandoned would be “patient attended the scene.”) For the mother in November to those people, Stolen Moments, which are outside of history.
There are some standing, the less fortunate outside history, and O’Brien explores the elegies to her parents, who are at the heart of this collection. Both parents have expressed their ambition to write a book once, and both are represented in the acts of reading unrewarding. In “Elegy,” wrote the poet to his mother. “I read, shaking impressed / Gollancz Crime, green penguins, too tired to have loved the literature, but now,” “The Lost Book” ends with an image of desolation after death as a continuation of the existence of purgatory, where O Brien addresses his father’s ghost:
It was a different world where the famous, or hallway where you can sit quietly, read the newspaper med patience to life last week, hoping it can manage and display giveTo changes?
Sean O’Brien can not forgive the man he calls “my father mad” that. “He did what little space there is room for something” Still, both parents have been betrayed, “the State has failed to keep the faith” and art that they felt excluded.
The exclusion is the subject of black humor “submerged island, the most overtly political poetry November. Located in a cemetery, described the comparison speaker and a woman on horseback, who clearly thinks it is. Intrusion He asked the speaker why wait for the poem provides the answer. “If you want to speed up the floods in this country / the phone to ring, as the moral / current to a load of waste man Rag and Bone / last train to arrive slowly, his mind was / For simplicity , beaded eyes / Without forgiveness and sold to the market of thieves / ‘s six cents I had never returned. “Poetry is both realistic and symbolic is more than a touch of an angel of death that surrounds them and the woman represents a sort of polarization, both are sort of waiting. second die “in slow motion replay of England.”