Relying on 10000 Metal Company

Relying on hardware company Yongkang 10000

Yong-Kang Su to "hardware village" nationally known, well-developed support Yongkang hardware industry has become a prosperity and development of strong industrial base, hardware manufacturers thousand companies have formed a huge industrial chain.

Zhu set a view, although the hardware developed Yongkang, Yongkang Hardware Flow cultural Yuen Yuen Long, product aggregation obvious advantages, but the product sales has been plagued by Yongkang hardware business. In the traditional concept, the price war as the only means of competition, product manufacturing advantage can not be converted into a market advantage, which reflects its market value; business competition between disorder and fragmentation, lack of co-consciousness, the internal bargain with each other, resulting in circulation of the cost of unreasonable.

"We have to rely on the aggregation Yongkang hardware industry advantages, but also enough to see them." Zhu Ding 1, "said company from the establishment of the day, we established the hardware to build China's 'Wal-Mart's' determination to completely change Yongkang hardware processing plants in the international market position, to create his own independent brands, to participate in international competition. "

In order to "Cable theory" Connect 1000 Enterprise

MA Secretary of Zhejiang Industrial Co., Ltd. Products special room, the reporter saw the dazzling array of hardware products. It is understood that these products come from Yongkang hardware business, was going through this international chain of goods sold to the nation and even distribution organizations around the world.

ZHU Ding-a, said: "If every enterprise, from production to market, this intermediate link is a root copper compared to the case, Mary Sterling is the root of the hundreds of thousands of copper wire twisted into a major cable, compressed the middle links, reduction of transaction costs, reduce operational risks, to solve the problem of information symmetry, greater market returns, this is our original Mary Sterling 'cable theory'. "

According to cable theory, Mary Sterling, Zhejiang Industrial Co., Ltd. implemented the "three-point net 1000 project", so that eventually become one himself there have been hundreds, thousands of companies joined together a coalition. Third, the establishment of a worldwide network is a complete flow of sales network, the establishment of high-quality talent network and fast agile information network, the establishment of high-quality talent network and fast agile information network; 1000 is at the national provincial capital cities and a number of key countries and regions to establish sales branches, then branches to the prefectural-level cities, county-level cities of point of sale. Today, the company's central, eastern branch has officially started, more and more Yongkang hardware products are sold through these agencies to more cheaply sold.

Brand network to seek win-win co –

"We not only have independent 'Mary Sterling' brand and technology, but also break the traditional management ideas, take the lead in the hardware industry, has adopted a 'purchase and distribution, brand management, franchising' business model." Zhu Ding 1 said, "the company developed a series of product standards, all joined the company so long as the standards set by the quality and quantity to complete production tasks, we will co-ordinate arrangements system, publicity and promotion, can save manpower, material resources, and also avoid companies the price of cut-throat competition among enterprises and vendors, among agents because of credit problems caused by endless disputes. In order to ensure product quality, MA Sterling a company's R & D institutions, to join the enterprise and conduct a rigorous investigation the necessary quality evaluation to ensure their own brand reputation. "

ZHU Ding-a win-win situation has repeatedly stressed that the co-operation, he thinks the company is headquartered in China Science and Technology Hardware City, joined the company in time to communicate; provincial divisions and the 1000 establishment of point of sale, after-sales service guaranteed; around the high-quality personnel join, market information feedback, etc., would give businesses the greatest profits. A linking domestic and international sales channels, once formed, more conducive to the establishment of credit system; company's strong financial backing, to join enterprises feel at ease, consumers are assured of the integrity of this card is also playing better.

The source pointed out, logistics has been the Government's strong support of the industry, Yongkang City, Mary has also been the Secretary for special attention and local government support. Thus, in good weather, terrain, and, Mary Sterling companies have been. Well, Mary Sterling relying on the brand network, to achieve cooperative win-win situation, so that a smooth Yongkang Hardware desire to go to the world will certainly be achieved.

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