How to Make Your Business Cards Leave a Lasting Impression

What will give you the edge in business? First of all, your business cards. These cards help you project the image of your company. These cards can make you stand above all the rest. When you meet a prospective client, you only have at least a minute to make an impression. So make sure that your business cards will do the trick for you — make you and your business damn unforgettable.

As I’ve said, business card printing is the very first step you have to take in marketing. But, the questions is, are you using it the right way? A lot of businessmen spend so much time on other marketing collaterals. But not on making remarkable business cards. Most of them find it only important to put their contact details and nothing else. They just don’t know how these small pieces of paper can give their business a boost.

When you want to advertise something such as in a magazine or newspaper, wouldn’t you want to put in the type of information that capture people’s attention? Wouldn’t you come up with something eye-catching to draw people to read your ad? That’s basically how business cards should be as well. Business cards need all the attention it can get. Remember that business cards reflect you and your company’s personality. It is one way of communicating to your prospective clients what your business is all about. And from these cards alone, people can judge if you’re reliable enough or if your product or your service is worth trying. Therefore, if you have professional-looking business cards, you can expect people to continue conversing with you. If your cards don’t possess much flair, you might as well expect people to divert their attention to someone else.

Here are the things that your business card should contain to make a good first impression:

First, of course, is your name. This is apparently stating the obvious but you just have to make sure that your name is easily found or seen on your business card. People have to instantly notice your name once they receive your card. That way, they can easily make a connection between your name and your face. This is one way of making them remember you.

Second, your business card should indicate your title or designation especially if you’re working for a corporation. Just the same as if you are a business owner, you should mention if you are the president or the founder. That way, you give them something to remember you more.

Third, your business card should have the name of your company. You have to have a business name even if you are the only one operating your business. If you do not indicate the name of your business as a sole proprietor, it will make people think that this is only your part-time job. So to create an impact, don’t forget to put in the name of your company.

Fourth, remember to put your email address. You would appear as more professional, however, if you use a professional email and not just hotmail or yahoo accounts. You can buy a domain name these days because it is no longer that expensive.

Next, also include your phone number. But avoid putting too many phone numbers so as not to confuse your clients. Just use one number, your “official” number to make your clients immediately contact you.

Then of course, include your website so that people can learn more about your business. Give them the avenue where they can get more information about you. Lead your clients to your website through your business cards.

Lastly, don’t forget to put in your logo which will definitely give you a professional look. It can also make people remember you more, unlike if you only mentioned your name and contact details. Don’t make the mistake of using a clipart only for a logo because these two are not the same. Remember, you have to be credible for people to pay attention to you.

There you have it – all you need to know to make business card printing work to your advantage. The best of luck!

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