How to find out whether you’ve got fake designer handbags
A lot of use prefer designer handbags no matter how pricy their price tag is, hence if you are planning to buy one make sure it is genuine.
Even in the most exclusive boutiques, you can sometimes find really good looking handbags that are fake. Many fakes are hard to identify, however, you have many possibilities to determine if the handbags are fake or not.
Imitations are all over the net, from online shops to online sites. Most of them claim that what they sell are original designer handbags however when you check carefully you can see that they are cheating on their customers Read the reviews about the brand first, and learn why a bag of this kind is so special. Usually authentic handbags has the following identifications
– They are costly ones. They are made of costly materials, like natural quality leather: crocodile, snake, and camel. Imitation bags are made of leather and vinyl which is unsatisfying to touch. A real handbag is soft and silky. The interios of the bag is leather and color fades to black as years go by. While imitation handbags are typically brown and stays the same for years.
– They are surprisingly affordable. If you see sites that has discounted bags then assure they are mock-up ones.
– The sutures on a designer handbag are perfect. You won’t see clues or loose wires on a real designer handbag
– On real bags, the badge will be placed in a professional way. They cannot be torn apart because they are firm. The badge looks the same on handbags as they look on a suitcase made by the same designer
– Usually, you can’t find designer handbags on sale. Most of the time there are no stocks available.
Imitations don’t have badges. Authentic bags has badges outside their body.
– If you can’t find it on the official site of the designer, it means it is a fake. Most designers do not give offers to the bags and models never changes.
– The metal parts of the handbag are also a great method to determine the fakes. While the fakes are usually made of plastic painted with golden nuances, the originals will have gold metal and brass parts
– Finally, real handbags are on sale at the official site with detailed info.
As an old proverb says: “if it is too good to be true, it is probably false.” Watch out for cheaters. Teach oneself and learn more on safe shopping. After all, your friends will be more than disappointed if they would find out you are wearing a fake.
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