Braxton hicks, a false labor pain before true labor pain during pregnancy
Kegel exercises are one of the beneficial and effectual exercises that help to strengthen the ‘pelvic floor muscles.’ This exercise supports the bowel, bladder, and uterus. It is very common and easy exercise that you can perform anytime anywhere, while you are driving in your car, relaxing on couch, or sitting at your own desk. You can also try out this exercise when you are pregnant. People who face usually containing liquid or gas control problems, for them it is the perfect method to control. Kegel exercises are simply known as the pelvic floor because they mostly cure the weakness in the pelvic floor. Mostly, both men and women can do it work out daily. But in case of women, this exercise is very helpful to get rid from the uterine prolapse or stress incontinence. During the stages of pregnancy, this kind of work out is beneficial because the pelvic floor becomes weakens and stretched out, causing the control on urine for over months to few year even after the childbirth. In this exercise, you have to sit down and control over the pelvic muscles and try to squeeze the anus and urethra. If you are planning to get pregnant make sure you start the exercise now and continue even after delivery of the child.
During pregnancy, a woman has to face many problems like tenderness or swollen breast, changes in body structure, and many more. In all this stages, the symptoms a female also has to face false labor pain before the true labor, it is known as ‘Braxton Hicks contractions.’ These unbalanced uterine muscle contractions are completely normal and it might also start to take place at the beginning of the second trimester. Even though this signs occur more commonly during the last that is third trimester of the pregnancy.
In the Braxton Hicks, it can be defined as the contraction in the abdomen part that arrives and goes. Such kind of contractions is usually not too painful and it does not arise at normal intervals. They mostly do not obtain nearer together, even do not enlarge with walking, and also does not boost for longer period of time.
In some cases, a pregnant woman cannot identify the difference between the true labor and false labor. Following are the signs that could help you to indicate your true labor contractions:-
1. The contractions during pregnancy come at frequent intervals that last for around thirty to seventy seconds.
2. Mostly, as the time pass, they get too closer together.
3. Contractions continue in spite of the changing positions or movement.
4. It usually steadily increases in strength.
5. When the contraction starts, it mostly pain in lower part of the back and slowly to the front part of the abdomen.
In this article, the author has talked about the women health problem like braxtib hicks that they have to face during pregnancy. There are some workouts like kegel exercise which is helpful for a woman to control over the urination during the pregnancy stages for over months and years even after delivering a baby.