Roof Insulation Batts

Roof insulation batts are comprised of insulation placed into roofing and loft spaces in order to pad them out and keep them warm. The intention here is to prevent heat transfer from the room below into the outside environment by providing additional insulation on the inside of the roof. There are many reasons why roof insulation batts are useful and why you should look into using them to increase insulation in your home – and there are many ways that poor insulation can make life less comfortable in your home.

The primary purpose of insulating your roof is to keep your property warmer of course. This then is intended to keep you warmer and healthier and there are many advantages to keeping your rooms warmer. Firstly this will help your health in a vast range of ways – keeping your immune system healthier and more able to fight off disease and infection. Secondly, it will help you to get to sleep as it is quite hard to sleep when it’s cold. In turn this will mean that your immune system is again better able to fight off infection, but also that you are more awake and filled with more energy during the day. If you struggle with sleep then getting roof insulation is a great way to make this better, and you will find that you don’t wake up as often in the night. As a result you’ll be less tired during the day and this will leave you less prone to making mistakes which could damage your career, your relationship or even put you in danger of injuring yourself (driving tired for instance is almost as serious as driving drunk).

Then there’s the fact that keeping your property warmer can help the property itself. If you have a property that is constantly too cold – and particularly around the roof – then this will mean that you are more likely to get condensation which in turn can lead to mould. This occurs as the roof gets colder due to the escaping heat, and droplets of water then form around it as a result. This water then provides a moist environment for mould spores to grow, and these then lead to damage to your structure which can also be bad for your health. This dampness can then further lead to mildew in your furniture and far reaching damage throughout the property.

Then there’s the fact that insulation can save you money. If you don’t have insulation batts or another form of insulation, then you will likely want to counter the described negative implications of a cold roof through other means and this generally means turning up the heating. Of course if you do this you will increase your energy bill and this can become very costly over time. Furthermore if you use a lot of energy to heat your home then you will be increasing your carbon footprint and causing damage to the environment. You can prevent this by keeping the heat you do create trapped inside the building.

With a growing shift to energy efficient homes, the installation of roof insulation batts has become more and more popular. Especially to keep houses cooler in summer, it is a good type of home insulation.

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