How to transfer iPhone iBooks to PC with iPhone iBooks to PC Transfer?

Does iPhone is the only place to read iBooks? Is it possible for us to read iBooks on PC with larger screen? Yes, iPhone iBooks to PC Transfer can help us read iBooks (ePub, PDF, Audiobook) on PC.

iPhone iBooks to PC Transfer is a professional transfer tool to help you to transfer/copy/backup/sync iBooks (ePub, PDF, Audiobook) from iPhone, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 to computer, then you not only can read iPhone iBooks on PC with the larger screen to protect your eyes, but also release much space for your iPhone and backup these iBooks resources for longtime use in the future.

Guide: How to transfer iPhone iBooks to PC with iPhone iBooks to PC Transfer?

Step1: Download and install the software
download iphone ibooks to pc

Step2: Connect iPhone to the Transfer
After connect iPhone to the Transfer, all the menus on the iPhone will show up in the panel of the Transfer program.
connect iphone to transfer

Step3: Transfer iPhone, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 to PC
(1) Click the “Books” button on the left to display all the book files in the library panel.
(2) Choose the specific book files you want to transfer and check them by ticking in the corresponding box.
(3) Click the “Export checked files to local” button to transfer iPhone iBooks to PC and create a new folder to save them.
transfer iphone ibooks to pc

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