Best Tips For Buying Backlinks

When trying to get their web page to #1 on Google for the first time, most people spend a ton of money on backlinks. Unfortunately, most people don’t know which backlinks to buy, where to buy them from, and exactly what they need to look out for when hiring freelancers. Ultimately, the result is that they end up with little or nothing to show for it and wonder why. Use the information in this paper as a blueprint to step around these issues when you buy backlinks.

First off, bear in mind that it’s imperitive to buy the right type of backlinks. Although you will find disparite opinions, I have found that articles, blog entries, blog commenting and forum profile links from high PR forums work best with respect to longevity. As long as your keyword isn’t overly competitive, in enough quanity, they should be enough to get your site to the top of Google. In the event that this does not help your rank sufficiently, other backlink sources can be added. With few exceptions however, these should be all you need.

Independent providers use varying methods and will have benefits and drawbacks. The person you ultimately select will depend on what you want to spend, what’s needed for your keyword phrase as well as other factors. Providers from Fiverr and the Warrior Forum are great for phrases without a ton of competition. Even though you might not be getting the best backlinks, enough of these will have you ranking in a reasonable amount of time. In cases where the competition is really fierce, you’ll be better off finding people on a site like Freelancer. Although their fees are a lot higher, they do a much better job, and you have much more control over your projects.

Folks that offer backlinking services vary greatly in the pride the include in their jobs. In fact, there’s no shortage of deadbeats out there who just want to make a quick buck from the least amount of effort. In the case of hiring a freelancer to build backlinks, I suggest to look carefully at their feedback history, especially the negative comments. Find out exactly what people were happy or unhappy with about their service. Also, you should only ever hire freelancers who have lots of positive feedback, and who don’t publicly share their results or previous work. Think about it: is it a good idea for a backlink serice to post your web page publicly? Not a chance. If Google were to see this and discover that you’re buying your links, you could be penalized.

With that being said, there’s a ton of good link builders out there who do a quality job relatively cheaply. It all comes down to doing your homework, asking the right questions and making sure the freelancer you’ve selected has a strong track record. As long as you buy backlinks from multiple sources from a reputable freelancer, you should do just fine.

During my seven years with search engine optimization, I have lent my services to both beginners and seasoned veterans to help them rank their own website. My web pages have ranked in the first position of Google for the most challenging of keyword phrases. For the best way to buy backlinks, be sure to stop over to

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