Key Factors for a Successful Enterprise Video

With an ever expanding base of organizations that depend on video webcasting and conferencing for communication, enterprise video usage has become tremendously popular over the last few years. The ability to cost effectively reach out to a large audience has been a major catalyst in getting enterprise markets to use video. Within the enterprise, it is possible for videos to be used in numerous ways like marketing communications, emergency broadcasts, corporate training and corporate communications etc.

Although in the nascent stage, the market for technology solutions to manage enterprise video assets has shown impressive growth figures. A recent Cisco study predicts that by 2013, 55% of all corporate traffic will be video, a dramatic change in the composition of information on the corporate network from what is currently there. This is mainly owing to the mounting volume of enterprise video and an ever rising market demand for video search tools to help manage and integrate video content. To ensure a successful experience with online video in your enterprise, there are a few key factors that can be considered as you look into the role of  video based training in your organization

Scalable Platform
As enterprise video is a challenging area of technology, it is necessary to find and enterprise video platform that can be relied on to implement and scale video programs successfully. A given for success with enterprise video is a solid, dynamic, and scalable platform.

Compliance Policies
It is necessary to ensure that the company’s policies are in place, while the organization is expanding the scope of its online video. All the acceptable-use policies like security and compliance need to take video into account.

Defined Lifecycle
Having a clear life cycle can be a big economic issue for any large corporation, given how large video files can be. And like any other kind of content, video needs to have a defined lifecycle as well. Video creation is increasing, and the documentation needs will get more intense unless alleviated via an apposite lifecycle.

Suitable Network
A serious enterprise video effort needs to include multicasting and edge-caching of some kind for live and on-demand streaming, respectively. Video can inflict chaos on corporate networks. There are new, exciting alternatives coming on the market like multicast fusion that combines IP multicasting with a protected form of peer-assisted content delivery. This has the capability of enhancing network utilization regardless of video load augmentation.

Overcome the infrastructure limitations
Remote locations have do have a large ability to handle a lot of video streaming. If the aim is to provision video equally to any site, the video program will have to tackle infrastructure restrictions, and this is both a technological as well as a managerial challenge that needs to be addressed.

Enterprise video can help your organization be a more productive, knowledgeable organization that takes advantage of all of its human resources and makes their knowledge accessible to all.

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