Thyroid Disorders – Thyroid Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

A reduction in thyroid affects each cell in our body and produces a broad range of age-related problems.

The thyroid gland is situated beneath the Adams apple in the throat. It produces a hormone known as thyroxine into the bloodstream. This hormone is able to control the body’s metabolism (the rate at which food converts into energy) at the correct pace and also control the body’s consumption of fat.

If you are not producing enough thyroxine hormone and the gland is underactive this is known as hypothyroid. Hypothyroidism can cause memory problems, weight gain, lack of concentration, sleep problems, cold hands and feet, hair thinning, heavy periods, dry skin and reduced energy levels.

Having an underactive thyroid can also cause fibromyalgia, a painful and common musculoskeletal condition.

Hypothyroidism is considered to be caused by aging and many in this field also consider it to be an under-diagnosed epidemic. Thyroid supplements can help to balance out hypothyroidism and therefore beat a wide range of aging disorders.

A deficiency of thyroid is most often seen in women who are aged 40 and over. However teenagers and men can also fall victim to lower thyroid function more so if it is hereditary. Some estimates have revealed that as many as 15 to 20% of women past the age of 60 could experience subclinical hypothyroidism. Every year these women develop symptoms that can play a factor in reducing their lives.

There are two forms of thyroid supplements, whole-natural supplements and synthetic supplements. Whole-natural thyroids cover a complete range of thyroid hormones that include T1, T2, T3 and T4. Synthetic supplements usually only consist of one thyroid hormone for example T3 or T4.

One particular issue that can create complications with Synthetic Thyroids like Synthroid is that they only consist of one thyroid hormone T4. Once inside the body it then has the role of converting to T3, a active type of thyroid. In some patients this procedure is poor and as a result leads to lower levels of T3 than what is needed.

Natural thyroid Armour contains all the thyroid hormones which means the body does not have to struggle for this conversion and this is a reason why thyroid Armour and natural thyroid supplements are regarded by many as being superior.

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