Abraham-Hicks Law of Attraction Secret

I’ve been immersing myself in Law of Attraction practices this week. It’s wonderful how fast it works when you are open to it. (I’ve been reading the Abraham-Hicks book “Money and the Law of Attraction” and listening to the CD that came with the book. )

I suppose I had a head start – a little more than 2 years ago I simultaneously picked up “The Secret” and “the Seat of the Soul.” I was in a pretty negative place. But within a few weeks of changing my thinking and really being conscious of my words, my emotions and changing what I was focusing on, things began to change.

Most interestingly, I began to change too.

I started everyday by finding something to be truly thankful for;
“Thank you for the warm house.”
“Thank you for breakfast. And Tea.”
“Thank you for the childrens health.”

And I usually ended these sentences of thanks with “Life is Good.”

“Life is Good” would finish my “status” on Facebook, and became a running gag with some of my friends. (one way or the other – some loved to read it, and some were really put off.) I made sure to post everyday my happiness about something as a mantra. Knowing that it takes 21 days to make or break a habit, I had to be consistent and really mean it. So in my persistence, the little things I was thankful for every day turned into bigger and bigger things, till one day it was just plain easy to make things happen with my “Life is Good” attitude.

So, when I say that this last week I had a head start at being conscious of it, it’s because of all the work I did 2 years ago. That old “just like riding a bike” saying comes in to play.

So if there’s something you want to bring to you, take some time to start yourself on the right path. Start everyday with finding something small that you can honestly and truly say you are thankful for. Carry it out into your day, from being thankful that you have the means to buy a cup of coffee in the morning or at lunch, or have a car to get into to drive to work, or anything at all. And remind yourself everyday during these first steps that Life is indeed Good.

I’ll be posting more blogs along this line, as I work though this book, giving you advice on your next steps and how to make it work for you too!


Lori Grace.

Lori Grace is a psychic reader with 17 years experience giving guidance to individuals and groups. To put the Abraham-Hicks Law of Attraction to work for you, you’ll want to learn everything you can about it. To learn more about the Abraham-Hicks Law of Attraction and how you can make it work for you, see the blog.

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