Know more about Doe Test in Dublin

What is the DOE test?
The DOE test was first introduced into Ireland in 1980 and covers all manner of commercial vans, jeeps, trucks, busses and ambulances. The DOE test is concerned primarily with the roadworthiness of a vehicle and its mechanical condition. The purpose of the DOE test is to identify areas of concern on a vehicle in relation to its operation on the road.
How often is it required?
All commercial vehicles in Ireland are due for DOE test every year starting as soon as the vehicle reaches 12 months old. You will not be able to re-new your annual road tax without your new DOE certificate.
How long does a DOE test take?
Generally speaking the doe test will last from forty five minutes to an hour depending on the nature and age of your vehicle. Large buses and heavy commercial vehicles may take longer.
What do I need to bring with me?
Together with the vehicle you will need to bring the vehicle licensing certificate, if applicable you will also need to bring any paperwork for your vehicle taco graph, speed limiter and weight docket together with the correct payment of course.
What happens if I fail?
If you are unlucky enough to fail the DOE test you will be given 21 days or 2000 kms whichever comes first to have all faults rectified. Most test centres’ including ours should be able to carry out all repairs in a timely fashion thus keeping vehicle down time to absolute minimum. And of course your vehicle leaves the test centre with a new DOE certificate.
How can I prepare for the doe test?
Regular service intervals and routine maintenance should always be enough to keep you from failing the DOE test. However try to keep an eye to all fluid levels and lights. Tyres should be well maintained together with general vehicle condition. Your vehicle does not have to be kept brand new an element of wear and tear is to be expected however driving a vehicle that’s not well maintained is not only costly to repair and pass the DOE test but it could be a danger to both you and other road users.
Make your drive smooth with Doe Test Dublin services. Visit to know more about Doe Test in Dublin and Tow Truck in Dublin.

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