Lighting. Which type for your room?
With summer fast approaching a lot of people will be considering how to change their looks for the new season, with shops report several increases in their sales of summer selections. Much like these people, I too have been considering the pros and cons of choosing an entirely different look. However, unlike the people who have on a shopping spree recently, I don’t plan on getting new clothes; I plan on redecorating my home. I’ve already got a bunch of new furniture to put in, and for the most part it all fits together really well – With the exception of the walls and the ceiling.
Right now, I’ve considered a change of wallpaper, or maybe even to replace the wallpaper with a lick of paint. But even with all of the changes I’ve planned to make I’m still not entirely sure on a few things. After looking around the room I’ve noticed that I’ve paid no attention to the part of the room that we take for granted in the household; the ceiling. Initially it was a brown and quite musty looking part of the room, with some rather old lighting that didn’t quite feel right with the room. It felt too much like traditional lighting which didn’t seem to match the overall style of the room.
Of course my first thought was to change the ceiling to a lighter colour to try to match the rest of the room, but this didn’t solve my problem with the lighting and also meant that my ceiling may still have been musty because the texture didn’t seem right. So instead I decided to get someone in to Aertex the ceiling, leaving me with the right texture and the option to get myself some rather fancy looking modern lighting, which complete with the new paint I have for the walls, looks set to completely revolutionise my living room from dank and dreary, to top notch fashionable.
Looking back I can’t believe that the defining change to one of my rooms was something as simple as the ceiling pattern and the lighting rig. I wonder if more people would consider the effect that changing their lights and roofs and ceilings can have on their houses. Maybe it could improve the values of the home and can totally change the room’s aesthetic.
So for the simple solution to bringing the rooms of your home together, try looking up.
Expert on all things from interior design to advertising and philosophy. Find more information relating to Ceiling Lights and Traditional Lighting here.