Tijuana Mexico Dental Advice
Crossing the border into Mexico for dental work is easy. With a little research and planning, you can save thousands of dollars by having your dental work done in Mexico. For southern California residents, all this requires is a quick drive down to the border. There, you can park your car for 5 dollars for the day while you have the work done. For out of state, this means flying into San Diego airport and taking a shuttle to the border. If you need extensive work done and must stay for several days, you have the options of either staying overnight in Tijuana or crossing back into America for the night and sleeping in a hotel there.
Many people believe that you need a passport to cross into Mexico and get back into the states. This is not true. While US customs does state this as their official policy, they will let you through with only photo id. Think of it this, if you lose your passport, they’re still going to let you back in the country. They can determine your identity by many means, like fingerprinting, or asking detailed questions that only you would know.
The actual quality of work in Mexico is suburb. Dental standards are universal in any country. If you have a good dentist, he will adhere to the proper techniques. It’s all about doing your research and finding a qualified dentist.