I See The Lighting

When it comes to lighting ones home, there are a ton of options. Floor lamp or table? Perhaps a hanging lamp? How about one with multiple lights? What sort of shade to use? Or globe? Do we want lights on the ceiling fans? Do we need light under the kitchen cabinets? And on and on…

You start throwing all those different light sources into one room and things can start to get cluttered in a hurry. But you are thinking you need light in all those various places. Well, I am here to suggest another option. (like you didn’t have enough already – I know)

Recess lighting can add light to a room, in a number of places and still keep a room neat and beautiful. Not to say that floor lamps and table lamps are beautiful and needed. But too many can look cluttered. And they have to be moved every time you vacuum. Or if you need to rearrange you have to make sure you are near an outlet. With the lighting in the ceiling, you never have to take those issues into account.

Put just a hint of light on that new painting you bought. Add a little light in the dining room, without the big chandelier hanging over the table, dropping dust on the meal, and getting in the way. Watch TV with out being concerned about getting a glare on the screen from various lamps in the room.

Recess lighting offers a ton of solutions to various lighting issues. With reflectors to help brighten and guide light, to baffles to reduce glare, to trims that can add color or flare to a room, to various different bulbs… you can achieve just the right look to any room.

So go to your local lighting experts, see some examples, and let this new world of recess lighting speak to you!

Need help finding the right suspended ceiling lighting for your home? Join us on the web at: http://www.recessedceilinglights.org/recessed-lighting-fixtures-20/

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