You have to understand that these quality materials are commensurate

There seems to be hundreds of fake designer handbags that are proliferating in the market. Of course there is still a demand since people are still buying them just to be in the clique that they own a label such as that. How would you be able to spot one if you actually don’t own a real one? There are ways wherein you need not shell out more than USD 5000 just to be called fashionable.

1) Leather Grain
Check how the leather is. Real and authentic leather does not crumble in time  Abercrombie & Fitch Plaid Shirts. Although you have to wait for a long time to witness this but one way is to run your hands across the leather. If you feel rough grainy texture, you’re in for the real deal.

2) Fabric
Ever wondered how at around USD 80 you could purchase a real alligator skin bag? You have to understand that these quality materials are commensurate with the prices that are being offered.

3) Logos and Spellings
Look for weird logos and spellings if the fabric is good enough to be called real. Since that is how you would know that that expensive Prado bag should be a good vehicle name and not a fashion accessory. Knowing where the exact location of logos and serial numbers would help you see the real ones from the fake. There are times when it is very difficult since these good imitators follow everything to the last detail. They just forget about the dust bags

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