Microsoft 70-653 exam dumps trainning materials
Beijing June 20 morning news, WPP and Publicis Groupe and other advertising giant is increasingly concerned about online advertising and mobile advertising business. However, Microsoft 70-653 exam in the latest research report that television advertising is better able to attract the attention of consumers.
Microsoft’s advertising department and Omnicom’s BBDO Worldwide have jointly issued the research report. Report to the United States, China, Russia, Britain and Saudi Arabia about 1,500 consumers were surveyed. Survey shows that television is still a powerful media, advertisers should continue to produce outstanding television commercials. Microsoft’s report this week in Cannes for the advertising industry conference. Currently, marketers are seeking in the traditional print and television advertising, as well as computers, tablet PCs and mobile phones and other new advertising platform, the balance between.
Publicis Groupe’s ZenithOptimedia said that despite the faster growth of digital advertising, but television is still very important, because digital video recorders and surround sound systems and other technologies being developed, and developing markets are more and more TV viewers . Microsoft’s vice president of worldwide marketing for advertising Mark Bradley Sears (Marc Bresseel) said that in Spain and Italy and other network technology, developed countries, television advertising is particularly powerful.
Microsoft 70-653 exam has the mobile communications sector Mobile Communications Business (MCB) was renamed the Windows Phone departments (Windows Phone Division). Recently, Microsoft executives Andy Leeds (Andy Lees) to modify his profile, he is now president of the Windows Phone departments, and in the past, his description is MCB president.