IBM 000-667 exam PDF
The unique advantages of using cloud computing, IBM 000-667 exam successful simulation of millions of mobile device service system performance test scenarios, within a few hours to several weeks to complete the original plan to achieve the test objectives.
IBM’s SmartCloud and partners SOASTA CloudTest technology is used to simulate the performance test scenarios. IBM SmartCloud solution provides real-time analysis can help think of doing the actual testing process real-time recognition of their server infrastructure software stack and network bottlenecks impede expansion.
Lenovo Mobile Internet and digital home (MIDH) Division test manager Li Huiming said, “As the cost of the necessary tools and resources are too expensive, impossible to achieve with traditional testing methods that we want to achieve load level, IBM’s 000-667 exam cloud test not only to become possible, but only three hours of testing to achieve the goal. ”
Lenovo MIDH Business Group Director Ye Shuai China R & D services, said: “real-time performance analysis and on-demand services to help us evaluate the performance of a key part of the new structure, we now service platform for the ability to handle peak user loads are very confident.”