Incredible Research Finding for Joint Pain Relief

What would you do if you were using mice to try to find joint pain relief for your friend but the mice were immune to arthritis? If you thought about it just a little bit, you might consider that this was a good thing – and that’s exactly how Flexcin was invented.

The medical researcher who found the main ingredient that’s in Flexcin (the CM8) was Dr. Harry W. Diehl. At the time, his friend was suffering badly from arthritis and the joint supplements available were not helping him at all. Dr. Diehl had been working in a government job as a medical researcher with a large laboratory, but wanted to give his full attention to finding joint pain relief for his friend.

As most researchers do, he decided to start testing cures on mice. But after trying to give them arthritis several times, he found that none of his mice would get arthritis – of any type. Now he knew that dogs and cats get arthritis, so why don’t mice? He decided he might be doing something wrong so he called his medical friends and told them he would pay anyone who could deliver a mouse to him with arthritis so he could get on with his research. No one called, no mice were delivered.

That’s when he turned his research mind around and decided to figure out WHY mice were immune to arthritis. What did they have that humans didn’t? It took awhile, but after much research, he finally found a molecule called cetyl myristoleate that appeared to be the magic immune system for arthritis.

Now, since killing animals is inhumane, he recreated cetyl myristoleate in the lab, by mixing cetyl alcohol, with myristollic acid. These two compounds worked just as well as the molecule found in mice. To make things easier, he named it CM8 (which is a trademarked ingredient.)

CM8 is not currently used to prevent arthritis, but it IS used for joint pain relief and repair. It not only relieves pain, but as a joint supplement it also helps repair joint cartilage and reduce inflammation. One of its greatest advantages is as an immune system booster – helping the immune system do what it’s supposed to do to repair the body on its own.

The old saying might just be true – “if at first you don’t succeed, try try again.”

We wouldn’t be doing Flexcin Reviews if Dr. Diehl had stopped his research and gave up. But millions of people currently find the joint pain relief they need thanks to CM8. For more information on this important joint supplement, visit

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