U.S. medical reform: the choice between the government and insurance companies

Obama signed on March 23 Health Insurance Reform Act, which declared the United States into the national historic Health Insurance New era. As a visit to the U.S. Fulbright Foundation scholar, I am willing to combine their experience through on just one observation.

The spring semester started school shortly after the skin of my ankle in the exercise department accidentally infected, seek medical advice me the process be fully experienced the efficiency of medical institutions in the United States.

I am not familiar with the U.S. health care system, medical insurance is also a good foundation early on for me, and I for the operation of medical institutions in the United States did not process the concept. Beginning at the point where the thought of the school nurse drug calculations, but the nurse said she was only for school student services, as teachers, each have their own family doctors and insurance companies, she can not go beyond their authority. But she still enthusiastically recommended to me a very good private hospitals are said services.

Few days later when I find the hospital, and produce the social insurance number cards and other documents, the hospital's front desk that can not accept my medical insurance company, suggested that I go to other hospitals. Otherwise, pay consultation fees be 250 U.S. dollars, this is just the first cost, and does not include drugs. I immediately surrender??? In the country my own university hospital may only need 20 dollars to open the medicine.

So he had to another one of my insurance company will accept the public hospitals. Row least one hour to see a doctor. After checking that the more serious, first opened Antibiotic Also recommended better if I did not see another specialist on. I think we can immediately obtain medicine it? Wrong. Need to go to a special pharmacy. Then drive to the drugstore to buy medicine, pharmacy staff took 40 minutes to view my medical insurance card, and insurance company, looking for drugs, and even called to Washington to confirm their pharmacies to join my insurance plan. Finally got two small Pingyao??? Conventional antibiotics. This is 8 U.S. dollars to pay medical expenses insurance company owned, I do not have to pay any fees.

After treatment of antibiotics due to allergies, may no longer see a specialist. Under a doctor deliberately checked the information, confirmed that he participated in my insurance plan, and then dare to make an appointment. Appointment a week later I finally saw the specialist. Doctors say they need a blood test, results of laboratory downstairs hospital said they did not participate in my insurance plan, please go somewhere else we test. No way, we had to drive to another one laboratory. As usual, the diagnosis is for medicine, as usual, going to CVS (drugstore chain), etc. I belong to a professional pharmacy insurance coverage.

Commendable, I have to go several U.S. medical institutions and facilities are first-class service, doctors and nurses of the patient and meticulous impressive. But in the United States, doctors, hospitals, laboratories, pharmacies, insurance companies are operating independently, transit links too, the interface between them and the efficiency is a problem. Must be mentioned that because it is the first time I see a doctor not familiar with the procedures in the United States. If the original has its own family doctor, and conversational with the insurance company??? Health care process, then the efficiency would be much higher. But these are not important, it is important: Each and every element needed medical treatment after the insurance company. Predictably, the insurance companies have made money in every aspect??? Patient per year, paid a large part of the so-called medical expenses are not spent on medical services, but as insurance company profits. Professors around me to spend an average of thousands of dollars every year to buy health insurance, even if they have not been to the hospital. American society heavy medical burden resulting.

The middle class can still afford a huge insurance costs year after year, but more than 40 million U.S. citizens can not afford insurance, so no show mercy to be excluded from the normal outside the medical system. Since it was not able to regularly pay the health insurance, sick pay, after only his own pocket medical expenses, the cost of expensive and I have had that experience before??? Patients without health insurance, sometimes spending Medicine Health insurance costs are those hundreds of times. The medical reform bills were passed this one vulnerable sectors of health care coverage directly into the system, the direct beneficiaries of up to 3200 people. At the same time, The new medical reform Bills for medical insurance companies have the opportunity to extricate himself from the constraints and given independent status, but also allow some medical institutions and personnel something to look forward. This is after Obama's reform proposal, doctors, medical institutions, middle-aged American Association strongly support the new medical reform plan, while insurance companies strongly opposed to reason.

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