Sun fails if Oracle acquired what would happen?

Little hope on their own settle down, SUN and their technology needs a new buyer to take over.

With the acquisition of SUN Microsystems, Oracle's plan was halted after the European Union, the industry parties recently the ultimate fate of the transaction and the transaction if it fails to SUN technology will mean their views are given .

Oracle SUN spend 7.4 billion acquisition of the EU rejected the plan is based on commercial database giant Oracle will have the current through the acquisition of SUN's open source MySQL database that fact. The trading halt makes the SUN into precarious fate again among the what will happen next for SUN users and employees is unknown – perhaps with the SUN users and employees begin to find another way, SUN's market value also be affected.

Gartner analyst RayValdes consulting firm, said as SUN users are waiting for the result of mergers and acquisitions, so SUN products in the market at the moment of calm. Oracle will put on what products are also not yet clear (Oracle has done some suggest, emphasized that they will continue to focus on, such as Java, MySQL, Sun's hardware and OpenOffice Application software Suit, and others).

Competitors will certainly aware of this situation: Microsoft's senior director of platform strategy, Tim. Brian said "I just do not want to be sure that the users in the future without one." SUN company's layoffs also under way, recently they announced 3,000 job cuts.

Out if Oracle, SUN choice of what

But if Oracle's plan from the acquisition of SUN and not opt out of the European Union impose additional terms of the protection of MySQL, the situation then? SUN M & A failure will make even more vulnerable to current market conditions, will increase the uncertainty of the future of SUN products. Valdes said the current SUN on their next actions have not made too many notes (Oracle CEO Larry. Ellison has publicly indicated he completed the acquisition of SUN's plan. But none of Oracle and SUN This comment).

RedMonk analyst StephenO'Grady company said that if Oracle is indeed out of this acquisition program, SUN next move is likely to continue to find new buyers, rather than as an independent company to maintain operations. 2008, -2,009 in the worst recession years of the time a heavy blow to the SUN this year, in April of Oracle agreed to buy SUN, SUN to the trouble-ridden provide a safe haven. SUN since then the situation continues to deteriorate, so it still needs a savior.

Find new buyers will not be easy, Grady stressed that "if in accordance with the Oracle acquisition of SUN that path may also be feasible, so look for other buyers would be very difficult, especially in the financial reports according to SUN Show them a month to reach 100 million U.S. dollars economic loss. If the deal fails, a new buyer will be difficult to do as the price for Oracle.

Grady also said that even if ultimately no one bought SUN, SUN assets still have value. Grady hopes to have buyers of Sparc product line acquisition SUN, SUN's Java, MySQL, GlassFish and x86 product line also should be sold to different companies.

MySQL's early investors FlorianMueller said that if the takeover fails, MySQL can be kept relatively independent, but the SUN the company's other business or try to operate independently, or to find other buyers. (SUN he was opposed to Oracle's acquisition of MySQL, MySQL separated if he would support the acquisition, Oracle)

But that merger plans will not fail O'Grady. Although he was the EU's approval of the deal dragged on for so long surprised (Oracle in April 2009 announced the acquisition plan), but the SUN and Oracle have worked very hard in the end. O'Grady said he would like Oracle to MySQL in the European Union attempt to take away as a condition of merger approval before resistance can persist in fighting.

Users may choose to Regardless of the ultimate success of the transaction, SUN products also allow the uncertainty of the fate of many users began to consider other options. O'Grady said, "I hope that most users buy SUN failed to develop the plan for their needs."

O'Grady said that for users, such as MySQL alternative options of this product can be Percona. However, users using the Sparc hardware can only wait. "Some users may migrate to other hardware platforms, and some users may choose to wait."

Mueller that even if Oracle never bought an SUN, SUN's technology without losing support or no development. "They have strong brands and technology to the point will not go away."

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