Your Ticket Might Not Be a Laughing Matter…
So there you were trying to keep up with that gorgeous blond in the convertible and little else when the trooper hiding behind the billboard clocks you doing a little over the speed of sound. No, he didn’t see the blond in the Benz, but he sure got your number dialed in to the tune of a fat speeding ticket that you know your wife is not going to give you a big hug and kiss for bringing home.
Maybe it was when you dropped your cell phone on the floor in mid text and Officer O’Malley happened to catch you making several very erratic lane half changes as you searched frantically for your phone. After all whoever said texting while driving couldn’t be a little adventurous? Either way the smiling officer was more than happy to print out a ticket to remind you that your phone should remain put away when you are driving.
In either of these cases and hundreds more where a traffic ticket is issued by a member of law enforcement or even one of those not so cool snap shot cameras hiding in the most unlikely places, you are going to have to make a choice. You can either pay the cashier at the local courthouse and take your lumps as well as the points on your license and of course pay your insurance agent a little extra for the next three years or you can go to traffic court.
Now if you thought Officer O’Malley was a less than friendly soul, as the saying goes, “You ain’t seen nothing yet!” When you meet the judge, you are going to find that after hearing hundreds of excuses before your turn at bat comes, the last thing he wants to hear is that you saw a UFO and they took over your mind and made you drive like a crazed human being.
He is going to tell you to either pay up or go to traffic school. If you have never been the average traffic school, you could be in for a less than pleasant experience that borders between having your teeth pulled and being forced to watch paint dry. The average traffic school lasts about 6 hours and is taught by a guy that has as much sense of humor as the pet rock you had as a kid.
While no one in their right minds wants to have to sit through this type of torture, the alternatives are far more expensive and in the end far less pleasant. You have to take the defensive driving course to get out of paying your ticket now and your insurance company now and later. However, just because you have to take a defensive driving course does not mean that you should submit yourself to 6 hours with a Ben Stein stunt double.
No one can learn in a classroom where the only thing they can concentrate on is not letting the toothpicks propping their eye lids open. If you think back to high school, you will remember that those classes taught by boring teacher were the hardest ones to stay awake in let alone good grades. The same applies to traffic school, only now that you are older; it is even harder to stay awake.
What you need is a defensive driving course that is going to keep you awake and alert so that you don’t miss a thing and pass the test at the end with flying colors. At Comedy Guys Defensive Driving we have found just the ticket (no pun intended here) to help make the class more interesting for everyone. Whoever said school is not supposed to be fun, has never attended one of our classes. We have hired a team of professional stand-up comedians to teach our classes. While the subject matter being taught may be no laughing matter, there is no reason why you can’t have fun learning the course material. In fact our research has shown that people who learn in this type of environment pay more attention and retain more of what they learned for a much longer period of time.
When the judge in Texas tells you to pay up or go to defensive driving school, make sure you shock everyone by enthusiastically jumping up and down yelling “I’ll take the school for $35 your honor!” While people in the court might think you are nuts, register for one our classes and see who is laughing when you are done.