Islam is the best religion of harmony and complete rule of life.

Islam is a religion which means harmony and perfectibility. This is the total way of life because it comprises every aspect of spirit and life. Islam certainly is the religion which is familiar with all of the roads that lead to blessing and happiness. Islam holds that any man’s personality doesn’t disappear with death, but is continuous and endless. Body and soul can therefore not be dissolved into disparate elements. Islam, on these grounds, presents both worlds in shining terms. It both trains men for eternity in addition to finds the guiding principles for their public institutions on the globe with the sublime destiny built into man’s creation.

Islam discusses all aspects of man life if these include connected with material or non-material life. Body, mind and spirit every one has its adequate propensities. Every should be usually weighed, to ensure what one of them indivisible elements desires won’t conflict with the desire of another. Islam takes all the elements and facets of human instinct into mind and caters for the compound essence of man’s combined material and spiritual propensities. It draws him upward towards the greatest without cutting his roots in the material. Islam demands the obedience of the orders which are laid down in Quran and practices of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him).

Islam is not a simply set of ideas in the world of metaphysical speculation: nor did it come into being simply to order man’s social living. It’s a way of life thus totally significant that it shapes education, society and culture to heights none other ever aimed at. It forms a supreme court of appeal and rallying-point for East and West alike, while offering them an ideology that may answer their divisive materialisms. It can replace their inequities and contradictions which has a more universal, more best and more strong idea. For the guidance of Muslim the Quran is revealed on the the Last Prophet and Quran and that is full with all sort of information whether it is regarding political, social, cultural, commercial, spiritual, or marital life.

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