Repairing A Credit With An Experian Dispute
Do you know a person who has needed to file an Experian dispute? Is it you? Step one is to draft a letter disputing your Experian report and waste no time in getting it mailed to Experian.
But before you do that, you’re going to want to obtain a photocopy of your original Experian credit report.
You won’t need to pay for this document since all of the three credit bureaus must give you a free copy every single year. Annual credit report’s website is a good way to go about getting this copy for free, so do your homework on this site before you begin your letter.
Once your credit report is in your possession, the next logical thing to do is examine the report and figure out which entries aren’t correct so you know beyond a shadow of a doubt what belongs in your Experian dispute. Be sure to include any items which don’t belong in your dispute letter.
Experian will let you know, upon receipt of your dispute, any additional information is needed or if your claim in invalid. This all depends on how they perceive your issue.
If they disagree on your dispute and say that your letter is invalid, you’ll receive correspondence from them asking you to provide them with further details about the unwanted listing in question.
Best practice in this situation is to politely give them what they ask for to move your dispute along in the right direction.
But on the flip side, if your letter is accepted and the issue is judged as valid, an investigation will take place in an effort to straighten out your Experian dispute. The originator of the negative blemish will be contacted and told that they have to provide verification that the error is truly yours or someone else’s.
All details of the amount owed and dates/ costs of claimed purchases must be included to prove they are correct.
Luckily, when this type of situation takes place the person filing the dispute often finds themselves the victor. Which is great because your credit report will be restored and your score returns to where it belongs.
I decided to have an experienced law firm handle an Experian dispute for me once, since they had experience and I did not. Lexington Law was the firm I selected since I’d never done anything like this before and I was afraid I might worsen the situation if I tried it myself.
It didn’t take Lexington Law very long to clear this matter up for me in my favor. I am very happy with the experience on a whole and highly recommend Lexington law to anyone who needs this type of Experian dispute help.
More facts about repairing your credit, as well as information on the CBE Group can be found at my credit repair web site. Check it out while it’s still fresh in your mind!