Camelot tv show review

Camelot season 1 dvd , based on the Arthurian legend, is produced by Graham King, Morgan O’Sullivan and Michael Hirst. It is a torical-

fantasy-drama television series. Sturdy as the tale of Camelot is and despite both cinematic versions as well as the now

famous musical based on the story, television has now taken on the tale and the results as seen by a solitary epi

appear to be entertaining as well as a darker and more earthbound version of the dream kingdom of Camelot dvd set . The cast is good

with some well known names and with a nice mysterious part for merlin so far. Arthur has yet to convince me since he’s

young and in my eyes not yet ‘The King Arthur’ you’d expect.Despite injunctions in promotional materials to “Forget all you

know” about Arthurian legend, very little about this revision of the tale is new, and what is new is ultimately not that

interesting. Indeed, we’ve seen the “gritty” take on various works of childhood mythology so many times that it’s become a

convention in and of itself. This is not HBO or even Showtime, and nobody is holding their breath for Camelot to pull down

any Emmys this year, but these diminished expectations actually work in the show’s favor. Camelot plays it fast and loose

with genre, historical authenticity, and good taste in general, but there’s a certain lack of cynicism about the

proceedings that’s surprising for a show that, on the surface, seems like just another exploitative historical melodrama.

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