Teeth Whitening – Causes And Home Remedies
Everyone wishes for pearly white teeth. If your teeth sparkle, every time you smile, it gives an edge to your personality and creates a good impression on people surrounding you. But there is the unlucky lot for whom having shining white teeth is like a dream. These are people whose teeth have undergone discoloration. A discolored tooth consists of stains, brown or yellow streaks or spots and pits. Teeth discoloration may be classified as follows:
1. Extrinsic discoloration or the staining of the outer layer of tooth (enamel).
2. Intrinsic discoloration or the staining of the inner layer of tooth (dentin).
3. Age-oriented discoloration (aging leads to the thinning of enamel and exposure of dentin to foreign substances that cause staining).
Some of the causes of teeth discoloration may be listed as follows:
1. Smoking
2. Drink of wine
3. Intake of caffeine
4. Aging
5. Excessive exposure to fluoride
6. Use of tetracycline antibiotics during early childhood.
7. Dental trauma
8. A condition called dentinogenesis imperfect.
These days a variety of teeth whitening gels and strips throng the market; but it is wise to try out the home teeth whitening remedies first.
Home Remedies
1. To half tablespoon vinegar, add a pinch of salt and a pinch of baking soda. Rub the mixture on teeth for sometime. Then brush your teeth and rinse mouth thoroughly with water. This removes stains from teeth.
2. Slice strawberries and rub the slices on your teeth. The natural acid in strawberries eliminates stains.
3. Blend dry rinds of orange and 10-15 dry Holy basil leaves. Use the combination to clean teeth. This will add a sparkle to your teeth.
4. Rub hydrogen peroxide on teeth and keep for 3 minutes. This will give you stainless teeth.
5. Combine lemon juice and salt to make a paste. Apply the paste on teeth. This bleaches teeth and removes the stains.
6. Usage of wood ash as a scrubbing agent clears teeth of stains. The potassium hydroxide in wood ash is a strong bleaching substance.
7. Chewing of margosa twigs is an age-old teeth whitening remedy.
8. Combine dried powdered bay leaf and dried orange peels. Rub the combination on teeth to get rid of stains and spots.
9. Application of apple cider vinegar also whitens teeth.
10. Mix baking soda, table salt and hydrogen peroxide. Brush away the stains with this home-made paste.
11. Rubbing the whiter part of an orange peel on teeth would impart a sparkle. This is a useful teeth whitening home remedy.
Read about effective Home Remedies for Teeth Whitening. Also know about Home Remedies for Toothache.