The 3 Most Important Rules To Follow In Every Direct Mail Campaign
When times are tight everyone’s looking to get the most bang for their buck. It almost goes without saying that every business at this time is looking over their expenses (advertising too) to see where they can cut costs. Some companies are giving up direct mail marketing for the time being all together. This might be the only option for some, but will result in missed opportunities and lost revenue. Not everyone has a home phone number, or an email address, nor does everyone read magazines and newspapers. But everyone has a mailbox.
The best option for everyone during these times is not to abandon your direct mail campaigns completely, but to evaluate them and look for ways to increase your return on investment.
The first tip I have is to remember your audience has a short attention span, especially going through their mail. You’ll have limited opportunity to catch their attention and keep it. Use short and concise sentences, that are easily scanned, but are also easily understood. You should have a clear action for the potential customer to perform. Such as visiting your website or calling your business number.
My next tip is to be creative with your offers. If “buy one get one free” or “50 % off” isn’t affordable, then a solid and informative telemarketer becomes a “Free Consultation” or a “Free Quote”. Use your free offers to build trust. Whether your direct mail campaign offers a free product or service, prove your trustworthiness by always following through with your free offer. Always set a deadline date for the free offers. Giving 2 to 4 weeks to respond to a direct mail campaign is an adequate time frame. If you prefer, you can also limit the quantity offered to the first 10, 25, or 50 customers.
Don’t forget this old rule “Garbage in, Garbage Out”.
My third tip is remembering that your results will only be as good as the data you start with. Remember to purge Duplicate Names/Addresses and Opt-Out Persons from your database or Mailing List. In addition, having a solid Move Update process is important too. Mailing pieces twice to a person that will inevitably be returned is an obvious waste. Not only a waste of your money, resources, and time, but a waste of USPS money and resources.
Keeping the amount of UAA mail down will (possibly) save you money in the future too. The USPS has recently increased rates. They have to spend money dealing with UAA mail. Eliminating it from their system will save them money. Which in turn (hopefully) will keep their rate increases to a minimum.
If you are currently looking for a high quality direct mail services company, Input Technology has been around since 1981 and is centrally located in the midwest.