A new study
A new study shows that eating too many jam and coated with sauce of Hamburg will not only result in clogged arteries, may also increase the risk of asthma and asthma risk, especially children. Published in the published “British Medical Journal” on the study said, the so-called Mediterranean diet – eat more fruits and vegetables and less fatty foods such as fish, help prevent asthma-related respiratory diseases. Asthma is the most common chronic diseases. Usually caused by dust and allergens, so that the lungs of patients with airway inflammation. Symptoms of the disease, including asthma, chest pain and respiratory contraction. According to the Tod’s silver pebbled leather ‘Ballerina Laccetto’ cap toe flats World Health Organization, 300 million people worldwide suffering from asthma, torture, and each year about 25 million people have died. For some unknown reason, the past 25 years asthma patients increased, especially in rich countries. Researchers at the University of Ulm in Germany to assess the diet caused the likelihood of asthma, the 50 000 children aged 8 to 12 conducted a survey of health data, these data are from 1995 to 2005, from 20 rich countries and the world collected from the poor countries. The researchers asked parents about their children and whether the diet has been diagnosed with asthma problems. The study found that diet does Cutout Ballerina Flat not like grass, pollen and blooming trees and other allergens cause sneezing, as will increase sensitivity. However, asthma and food does and the pathogenesis of asthma. 3 or more a week to eat hamburgers, sugar-rich soft drinks with children suffering from asthma than other children the probability is much greater. However, the researchers point out that eating too many hamburgers may not be a direct factor in asthma, but a lead to the disease by many complex factors constitute an indicator of the way of life. This can to some extent explain why poor people eat hamburgers, but they suffer from asthma, lower probability than the rich.
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