Price tag affixed with 10% of low

Late last year, the Copenhagen Cyclones let the "low carbon" is spread throughout the world. After a few months, Shenyang home improvement markets, "low-carbon floor", "low-carbon tiles," "low-carbon Decoration "And other high-profile new words have baked, much of a" spring night came suddenly as the hills are low-carbon "trend, you wonder: this" low carbon "Implementation was too rapid, too easy?

Past few days, Chen Cheng's visit to the major home improvement market, hopes to open a market of consumers so-called "low-carbon products," the real face, so you avoid a see a "low carbon", the more confused consumer purse strings .

"With a hand basin, this is labeled a 'low carbon' and Label Prices actually rose by over 300 yuan. , "Reflect a consumer. May 17, journalist, accompanied by a trade, to a large area of West Home Market, see the "low-carbon floor", "low-carbon tiles," "low-carbon decoration" and other words can be seen everywhere, and all the banner of "low-carbon Environmental protection "Under the banner of building materials, their prices are 10% than the more common products.

"There are hundreds of home improvement products market, hit the 'low carbon' banner." Who insiders. Reporter visited found for "low carbon" concept Sell Staff are poorly understood, even dealers themselves could explain the poster product "low-carbon energy" data in the end how it was. A sales staff simply say, they play the "low carbon" banner is actually the concept of speculation.

"At present, China has not 'low carbon' standard building materials, the market's 'low carbon' label mostly manufacturers of self-promotion." China's Forest Products Industry Association, the Preparatory Committee office doors, Secretary General of the International Standards Wu Shengfu said, "not many details before the energy-based, home industries 'low-carbon standards' is not yet published."

Labeled a "low carbon" price tag at least 10% higher

"With a 'low carbon' of the cover, decoration company actually give me the budget out of more than 13,000 yuan." Recently, certain government agencies in the work of Chen Hequ Lee, the company commissioned a new house decoration decoration Design Was almost the decoration company to "Fudge" a.

Lee told reporters that the design of the decoration provided by the script, a large number of "low-carbon floor", "low-carbon tiles," "low-carbon ware" and other words. Design of the book states: "low-carbon tiles," "low-carbon floor" with absorption of carbon dioxide in air "magic functions", very attractive. However, Mr. Lee to the building materials market, one question only know that almost every shop owner said his tile, flooring can absorb carbon dioxide. More bluntly, a shopkeeper, decoration company recommended a "low-carbon products," no different from ordinary products.

Reporter found that "low-carbon products" is also pretty well "Fudge" consumer. Forum, a decoration in Shenyang, the reporter random inquiries of the 10 users, including six that even more money, will be the preferred business recommended "low-carbon products."

Fashion "low-carbon decoration" was originally a cover of Zaike

"Cost of collecting quarters 'low-carbon model room' decorated." At present, Shenyang some new real estate development, the lack of publicity it looks very attractive language. Many owners are indeed attracted such publicity will be his new home as a "low-carbon inter-model" to the decoration.

"In fact, the collection 'between low-carbon model', that is, decoration company established in the district of a Advertisement . "Shenyang Garden Island decoration company official said, in the occasion of arrival of each new flats, the major home improvement design companies will often do sample collection housing 12. Some of decorative design company will use the" model room "" low carbon concept "to deceive consumers, they are usually the" low-carbon products, "raising the price, then the way deceived consumers with high discount.

Sign "low-carbon model room" new building "soft" trap

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