Note the choice of wedding ring

For many people, marriage is a lifetime event. So even if only a small Ring , Have to choose carefully, as with the general intention of marriage, because you can never really.

General, Wedding ring The purchase includes a pair of engagement ring and tokens of love on a bride wearing a wedding band. Engagement ring stress on the tokens of love is with a sense of style to the main symmetrical or the same, so most people will choose to style a simple, neutral pH and shape. In addition, because now with the new autonomy Taste More and more and more Taiwanese bride and groom will ring material and design requests. It is mainly used for normal wear, so consider the price should not be too high.

As for the wedding band, usually selected Diamond Or Pearl , Gold. Diamond is the mainstream in recent years, because of its identification standards clearly, more resolutely with eternal meaning, so many new people are of all ages. The pearls are pure, meaning complete, consider the groom is the object of many. The disadvantage is that Maintenance Difficult, very difficult as long as the coat of cosmetic treatment, so be careful. The gold is never faded pop, after all, beautiful gloss and texture can be preserved is still irreplaceable.

Wedding ring with a variety of ways, there is the man with gold ring, the woman with lazy ring; also the man quit without drilling, the woman quit a drill. In recent years, wedding ring design that blends fashion-oriented elements of simplicity, eliminating the former complex patterns, to change the main lines.

Some new people will spend a lot of budget to buy jewelry, choose from the wedding ring to the necklace, Earring Full portfolio, I hope the wedding day presents the most bright side. But I do not encourage new jewelry is not yet familiar with this. On the one hand, a large wedding expenses, to live within our means to do everything that the principle; on the other hand, market the brand in different ways, new people are more careful in the double.

Then buy wedding ring should pay attention to?

1, budget draw the line. New in setting the budget, should live within their means, the limits can be set at one to two months salary man within, on the one hand will not be too difficult to afford, while also regarded as a keepsake of a lifetime to do something Investment .

2, select vendors. In the purchase wedding ring, we should pay attention to shop around, remember to look at, listen more, more. Best way to get a trustworthy jewelry companies and carefully selected. After all, wedding ring is a lifelong commitment, maybe a few years of marriage Life Waves occur, this gadget can also remind you what year a grand feeling, how can no heart?

3, maintenance of way. Although diamond is the hardest substance known, but hard does not mean invincible, so always remember to maintenance. Diamonds have an affinity for oil, it is best not to do housework or exercise wear. If stained with oil stains, simple approach is to gently scrub with warm water or soapy water. Of course, to be sure, or back to the best cleaning jewelry company. In addition, when storing two diamonds separated best to avoid friction with each other.

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