Provide an Essential Service to Car Owners as an Automotive Painter

Whether you’re a car enthusiast who dreams of cool paint jobs like the ones seen on the MTV show “Pimp My Ride”, a mom with three boys who wants to make sure the car in which they ride is safe, or the 30-year-old bachelor who just bought his dream car — there is one thing you have in common. You all considered the colour of your car when you purchased it and you all probably worry about scratches, dents or other abrasions messing up the paint job. Should that happen, there a many professional automotive painters who are trained to ensure the exterior of cars remains perfect.

The job of an automotive painter entails refinishing motor vehicle bodies by sanding, spot filling, priming, conditioning and painting. More specifically the auto body painting professionals must select and mix paint using automated paint mixing equipment. He or she then ensures the car is clean, free of corrosion and has had any dents filled in. Once this is done, the automotive painter is able to apply paint, lacquer or other decorative coatings. In addition, those in the auto body painting industry use automated spray paint, dip or flow coating equipment or mechanized painting or coating application equipment as well as hand-held spray guns and paintbrushes for touch-ups. Lastly, they may also have to prepare and apply stencils, computer-generated decals or other decorative items to the finished product.

In order to discover a long-lasting career, one must attend an Automotive Painter program. Centennial College offers such an undertaking, which consists of four training periods of 1,800 hours with an employer and one eight-week college session. The focus is on ensuring that students get a good grasp on techniques, equipment and materials in modern automotive finishing and refinishing systems. In addition, they learn components, frames, panels and grills, holes and dents and other surface repairs. The in-school session of the Automotive Painter program takes place at the largest automotive training centre in the province. Another impressive feature of the Automotive Painter program is its “earn-while-you-learn” approach, in which qualified students receive income support from the Employment Insurance of Canada.

The employable skills with which students leave Centennial College’s auto body painting training range from knowledge of tools and techniques of the trade to safe working procedures, communications skills, basic math and computer skills. Clearly, the Automotive Painter Traditional Apprenticeship is a great way to learn the ins and outs of the auto body painting industry.

Those who are interested in applying for this training must possess an Ontario Secondary School Diploma. In addition, they must be currently employed as an apprentice. For general information about apprenticeship registration, please contact the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities.

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