Chinese special ceramic industry development trend of profile and material

New China was founded 50 years ago, especially since reform and opening up 20 years ago, China’s special pottery industry from scratch, from small to large, now has a strong special ceramic materials, cutting-edge research and development capabilities, industrial production has a considerable scale, basically meet the needs of China’s various sectors of production and living expenses. But it should be noted that compared to developed countries with the world science and technology, there is still a wide gap, especially in the special pottery, application development, in the production technology level as well as in the industrialization of backward more.

A wide application field because of special ceramics, China’s various industries have developed and produced in accordance with their own needs all kinds of special ceramic products. There are military systems, electronic systems, building materials and systems, light systems, mechanical systems, metallurgical systems, the systems owned universities, research institutes (schools), companies are engaged in the relevant special ceramic materials and product research and development and production for China Special ceramic industry development to create the material base, technical conditions and applications.

Since the reform and opening up, many foreign-funded enterprises optimistic about our special pottery market and continued investment in our special ceramic industry. At present, China Special Tao enterprise structure, compared with 20 years ago, great changes have taken place, private enterprises, foreign-funded enterprises in the power of special pottery industry is growing stronger. Possession of a foreign-funded enterprises in which the proportion can not be ignored, and is growing rapidly. These foreign-funded enterprises to enter the one hand, to bring the world’s advanced production technology and equipment, advanced management, produce high-quality products, on the industrial development of China’s special pottery has played a positive role in promoting. On the other hand, their original country-owned enterprises which had a very big threat, but also to the new investment in special ceramic enterprises in technology, management, marketing, put forward higher requirements. Corporate structure, operational mechanisms, technological development capacity, specialization, large-scale ceramic industries in the special competition in the increasingly important. At present, in the electronic ceramics industry, joint stock and foreign-funded enterprises have the most competitive.

Special Tao of China’s enterprises concentrated in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Jiangsu, Shandong, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong and other coastal cities and regions and central parts of urban areas, remote areas of southwest and northwest to the original military-based third-line business.

In the special ceramic types on almost all of our special ceramic materials are engaged in research, development and production. In the cutting-edge high-tech ceramics theoretical study and experimental levels in the ranks of world’s most advanced, high-temperature superconducting ceramics is an example. Ordinary electronic ceramics and structural ceramics, such as IC substrates, Ceramic capacitors, resistors, inductors, magnetic materials, buzzer, piezoelectric ceramic filters and other radio frequency components, the aluminum porcelain, alumina ceramic, electric vacuum porcelain, ZrO2, SiC , textile porcelain pieces, a cordierite-mullite kiln furniture, fused quartz, fused corundum and so on, in our country has been able to mass production, product quality is stable, and the occupation of a certain international markets. However, the profits of most products is not very high, yet enhance the technological content of products and added value.

China’s current special ceramic industry characteristics are: materials development has certain capabilities, a high level, but to cost-efficiently high-quality materials, high-volume manufacturing into a high-quality goods, then the lack of the necessary advanced technology, equipment and management level, It’s also the whole basis of the country lagging behind the industrial level. Thus, the present world’s most advanced ultra-high profits, special ceramic products we are unable to capture the market, many electronic machine in electronic ceramic components, still a large number of imports, such as mobile phones used in chip-type piezoelectric ceramic filters, a huge market However, all are imported.

  New Millennium Building Ceramic Market Forecast

Prior to usher in the new millennium, China’s building and sanitary ceramics production has reached the world. Outlook 2000 will maintain a rapid growth momentum.

The status quo “four of five low”

The product yield large number of enterprises large contingent of workers, large, energy consumption and large; labor productivity is low, intensive low level, low-tech, market adaptability is low, low economic efficiency. Therefore, how to make Tao jian business in the future to change the status quo, the only option is to take the “overall control, structural adjustment”: “from a big strong, relying on a strong new” road.

Is very optimistic about the market prospect

The construction industry developed rapidly in recent years, especially as the country’s key industry, very large amount of housing construction. Is now completed in urban and rural residential area is close to 10 million square meters of urban housing is only the completion of the annual 500 million square meters, it forms a large, stable building and sanitary ceramics consumer market. Especially in rural areas, the demand for sanitary ware is a significant increase year by year. By 2000, rural areas, if widely adopted new residential building and sanitary ceramics, and their number is staggering. Very optimistic about the market prospect.

Improve the functional matching

Judging from the current situation, the future development of building and sanitary ceramics, will enter from the era of designer brands. Requirements for product diversification increasingly evident. Specifications, materials, decorative effect, or the use of function, are required to have a new breakthrough. Wall and floor tiles to large-sized development has become the trend. Toilet seat ring parts to design into a concave arc, accessories luxurious materials requirements beautiful, more prominent personal preference. Including bath tubs, including all use the program can be prepared in advance by computer.

Complete package will be the first choice for consumers to buy Ceramic products. This is the matching of the bathroom seemed the most prominent. Therefore, the manufacturers will also be taken into account in the design, production to marketing emphasized the complementary function.

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