Ecological building rain water ICAST reuse treatment system

Ecological construction techniques used ICAST rain sewage treatment, a high degree of device integration, infrastructure cost savings, continuous operation, in order to ensure that within a relatively short residence time of the desired treatment effect, by adding the sludge return the system to return the mixture NH3-N and oxygen in the water area using the original carbon and denitrification to improve nitrogen removal, and handle large amount.

1.3 Reuse System Ecological construction stormwater treatment pond water by regulating biological treatment tank into the ICAST sterilized by filtering the water (the water quality to water reuse standards) for the reuse system, called the water reuse system usually by pipeline, pumps and nozzles and other components. Reuse of water through the system platform can be used to irrigate green eco-roof construction, landscape pond water, clean roads.

2 Control and Monitoring System Use of the wastewater reuse treatment plant, in the literature [6] based on the processing operation and monitoring of water quality control system.

2.1 of contents A, ICAST processes through PLC and computer control. Including the control into the pump, blower, filter pumps, sludge pumps and other equipment back to the start, run and stop and not normal operation of the alarm.

B, monitoring wastewater reuse treatment of the whole process, monitoring key indicators of access to water CODcr, NH3-N and turbidity; ICAST biochemical pool of DO and pH values; When the process stage of water quality indicators fail intended target, by the computer through the timely adjustment of operating parameters such as PLC.

C, of sewage treatment process reuse of data collection and storage time, at any time as needed to check a variety of equipment failure history records and instruments, and some of the historical data analysis.

2.2 design principles A, in order to target water quality monitoring and control

Into the automatic control system in addition to monitoring, effluent water quality, the response should ICAST pool of DO and pH value for online monitoring records, by monitoring the data to determine reaction conditions and treatment tanks biochemical relationship between water and use it as self-control interface based on the ICAST in response to aeration tank operation and size adjustment, output water quality can be achieved in the water reuse standards.

B, practicality and economy Automatic control system imported and domestically produced equipment and electrical integration, design and programming of their major equipment automatically, under the premise of ensuring a reliable cost as much as possible. Through the selection of equipment on the system can make the same type of system cost than domestic prices substantially lower than that.

C, security and reliability Partly controlled system control failure alarm and fault handling. From design to equipment selection and installation of construction and operation and maintenance should be possible to ensure system safety and reliability.

2.3 automation hardware and software

Control system I / O capacity of about 38 total points, the present programmable controller (PLC) There are many types, such as Omron's CPM2A series, Siemens S7200 series and S7300 series, A-BRockwell companies and Mitsubishi's products. Selection based on experience and compare the characteristics of the equipment, Siemens and AB PLC good quality small and medium sized companies, but more expensive in terms of the system; Omron and Mitsubishi PLC quality and price advantage of small clear, its cost is higher, and in the wider application of the same industry; taking into consideration the PC configuration software to choose from, so choose CPM2A Omron's family. It has a processing speed can meet the system requirements, basic instruction rich program is easy to modify, maintain the workload is small, the network configuration easy and so on.

Monitoring software is based on Delphi programming software, the software makes the system maintenance staff in a very short period of time to master, the performance of many enterprises in China has been applied to testing. In addition, the software is easy access to technical support, the performance of the system to satisfy the needs of the price than other types of software with the lower.

2.4 Automation Technology 2.4.1 Process Controls Turn on the computer, access-controlled test interface, enter the password and related original settings and started to run, to achieve process control automation.

Ecological building rain water collection wells from an enhanced delivery pump to adjust pool, regulation pool under the control of liquid level signal to open the time the pump stops, adjusting pool opens when the pump low, high when the pump stops. Precipitated by adjusting pool water treatment, transport to the ICAST by the pump into the biochemical pool pump into the pool under the regulation and biochemical pool of liquid running along the signal and control equipment. Treated by continuous ICAST is artesian water from settling tank to remove small particles, and then overflow to the middle pool. The middle of the pool filter pump water from the transport to the micro-filters, the filter is sent to disinfect pool water disinfectant shall remain in the water for some time. Which by the middle of pool water filtration pump control, high open pumps, low pumping; dosing pump and filter pump linkage.

2.4.2 Control System Structure and Characteristics

Automatic control system based on common forms of domestic and foreign, the system uses PC + PLC structure, with the conventional direct digital control of intelligent devices, compared with less investment, long life, easy maintenance and low failure rate and so on.

Site controller responsible for all equipment and process data acquisition and control and parameter adjustment, by the PLC through the PLC to complete the function and the pretreated bear incident communications with the control room computer. CRT display and the control room can provide fault alarm, some parameter settings, a remote human intervention operations and data storage and so on. Control room is usually a Taiwanese industrial computer to complete, the management plane functions than with on-site operations, it also has data processing, report printing.

2.4.3 Automatic system composition and functions

According to geographical location and technology, function, the system composed by the control room and field control station, control room and the adjacent processing plant, recycling system, fountain pools and residential buildings connected to the landscape. The system can be achieved through the computer interface, data acquisition, image display, parameter modification, storage and printing functions, specifically by the four major components.

A, flow chart dynamic display Flow chart of five, including the general process flow diagram, water part of the flow chart, flow chart of biochemical treatment of some of the middle pool and treatment part of the flow chart of the secondary settling tank, filtration and disinfection part of flow chart dosing. This 5 flow chart, pipes and devices can dynamically display the current working status. Equipment failure and can use sound and light alarm for proper disposal.

B, real-time monitoring and display relevant data

By extending the analog module can be correspondingly

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