Some unscrupulous Jordan agent cheat their clients
Many foreigners think that if one Nike Air Jordan marked ‘made in china’, that means it is inferior items. Actually, this is a misconception. I don’t want to deny there are so many fake Jordan shoes have been shipped all over the world every year, and many consumers get damage for buying it. In the past, Chinese most tell very close relative to affection, the effect that suffers the state with formal comes deep.
Especially the Cheap Jordan 4 which is one of the main series from nike. Forenigners changed the impression of chinese and considered that any products come from China is inferior. As a chinese, I have responsible to correct this wrong conception. I contact to the website and require exchange my shoes, they refused my requirement and even advice me to buy another with discount price. I was so angry and swear never to get any Cheap Jordan Shoes from online store. At last, no one want to buy their items.
Although there are exceit some unscrupulous businessmen to cheat their consumers, almost chinese merchant insist in credit management and quality service. Even they sold fake shoes, they will told their customers the truth before they purchase it. Moreover, some are the genuine Nike Air Jordan 4 agent, such as this online sale. And with the time goes by, they will loss more consumers and received a bad reputation.