Interpretation: Britain to save the industry time

Power fade The past two years, the global economy, especially the developed economy has experienced the worst downturn since the 1930s. There is no doubt that the recession has accelerated the economic center of gravity and the transfer of power from west to east. Of course, the financial crisis to the British economy a fundamental and serious adverse effects, and in the coming years is likely to continue.

Can be seen from Table 1, some of the UK economy's problems and contradictions. First, in 2009 the British regulatory burden in the world, ranked 86, while in 1997, the British regulatory burden of the world's No. 4 ranking. British Chamber of Commerce study estimated that in 1998 the British Government has spent on the cost of business regulation reached 77 billion pounds. The data indicated that UK regulators is not difficult to see well in European countries, far behind Japan. The lightest regulatory burden on European countries, Switzerland and Finland, were ranked 11 and 12.

Second, developed countries in the table 5, the UK R & D costs accounted for the lowest percentage of GDP, reached only half of Japan. UK R & D expenditures are concentrated in information, communication technology, biological sciences, nanotechnology and environmental technology. Mainly depend on the mode of financing the University of overseas venture capital. In the G7 countries, the average proportion of business R & D expenditure was 57%, while only 47% of the UK. Number of patents per capita is less than a quarter of Japan, well in the UK in the high-tech industries, such as biological sciences, nanotechnology, environmental technology and information and communication technology in the field of higher number of patents per capita.

Finally, the international competitiveness rankings, the United Kingdom than in 2007, down four precedence because of over-reliance on financial markets. Similarly, the United States ranked second, will be the first to vacate Switzerland.

England this day is not known as the Empire had a large country, seems to be gradually out of the lineup of the world's top powers. However, if this crisis, the British can be re-understanding, understanding of the location of the manufacturing sector in the economy, the UK's manufacturing sector may be a survivor, a strong support economic development in the heart of a vibrant industry. As discussed, in the end is what triggered the crisis, most economists and critics know, because a serious imbalance in the economy: Economic growth is no real added value comes from financial services and corporate takeovers; corporate bonds , stock appreciation; housing prices rise due to increased consumption, leading to increased personal loans; do not have enough strategic investment, manufacturing and exports. Forward to the growth strategy

Economic downturn highlights the severity of the weakness of Britain's economic structure is irrational, it is that Britain must seriously think about the future economic direction of the time. British Business Secretary Mandelson admitted that the British Government has acquiesced more depth urbanization, and emerged a "new production policy."

In 2010, the British government released its latest strategy, "to the growth of forward (GoingforGrowth)", which outlines the economic recovery in the UK to play Engine The role of the future direction of industries and enterprises. Vibrant manufacturing sector is very important, even though the manufacturer of the UK will do all we can, but some continuity, and a link type of government help will be very helpful. "TheManufacture" (manufacturer) website recommendations: I hope that the exchange rate to maintain a stable level, make the product easier to export; import of some expensive, high added value products to encourage local manufacturing; the next government can continue the current government The strategy has already begun. In the "better late than never failed to" the spirit of the guidelines, the British manufacturing sector is very welcome in this strategy, it highlights once again the manufacturing sector and exports to maintain economic balance in the realization of the importance of the overall objective.

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