Solar Panels for Your Home: Building Your Personal Solar Panels
With solar panels you can easily get electricity using the solar energy. This may sound high tech but truth is, it is quite simple to build your own solar panels for your home.
Solar panels for your home can be assemble by a company and cost thousands of dollars to install. But then again, there are those who wanted to build their own solar panels because they wanted to save money.
Solar panels for your home has lots of uses like reducing electric costs up to 50%, as well as generating power to heat interiors, heat water for indoor pools, and generate electricity. Once set up, you are no longer obliged to pay for your electrical power bills but instead the electric agencies will pay you instead. And so, this way you are guaranteed that electric company toxins will be condensed and cannot cause destruction of Mother Earth.
Just follow these short instructions on how to make your own solar panels for your home
1. The list of materials are as the following: half square feet per copper flashing sheets (around $5 per sq ft), 2 liter clear plaster water bottle, 2 tablespoon salt, 2 alligator clip leads, sand paper or wire brush attached to electric drill, electric stove, micro-ammeter, tap water and metal sheers for cutting the copper sheets.
2. Cut the copper sheet by means of the metal sheers. Use gloves when doing this for the sharp edges can injure the hands and this will also prevent the body oils and acid from perspiring hands getting on the sheet which can result to oxidization. Slice the sheet to a few millimeters bigger than the electric stove burner.
3. By means of wire brush or sandpaper, remove corrosions/sulphides from the copper sheet by brushing them off. Turn on the electric stove to the highest setting and place the cut sheet on top of it.
4. Try to view the colors on the metal as it oxidizes from the heat. Upon examination, when the color turns dark, the coating of the black cupric oxide developed. Cook the copper flashing sheet to about an hour more to make sure that the coating becomes thicker. After whirling off the stove, keep the sheet on top of the burner to cool off.
5. When the sheets try to cool down, you can also view the thick black coating starting to peel off. When completely cooled down, flush the black coat with running water but never bend or scrub the copper sheet. Only use the pads of your hand to avoid damage on the metal.
6. The 2 liter plastic bottle’s neck is slash off leaving an enormous hole. Slice one more copper sheet with precisely the same size with the preceding one. Bend the sheets together so they can easily get into manipulated the mouth and whichever sides of the container. Do not let the metal sheets touch.
7. Attach an alligator clip one on each sheet. The positive station of the micro-ammeter is joined with the new unheated sheet whereas the negative terminal is attached to the negative station.
8. Heat the faucet water and dissolve the salt. Pour the salt mixture, make sure that there are still spaces left above the water. Put under the sunlight and watch the ammeter charge go up. Alas, you just effectively built your very own solar panel for your home.
Are you looking for Solar Panels UK, then check out Aqua Protection to see more information and specifications on the range of Solar Panel products and services.