How to sync iPad, iPad 2 iBooks to computer with iPad iBooks to PC Transfer?

iPad iBooks has provided a wonderful way to read and buy books, after downloading the free application, many iPad users can’t wait to purchase their favourite books like Harry Potter, Crime and Punishment, Helen of Troy etc from iBookstore. These books are so excellent that they are seeking a way to transfer iPad iBooks to PC for backup?

iPad iBooks to PC Transfer is the perfect application to transfer/backup/copy/sync iPad, iPad 2 iBooks (ePub, PDF, Audiobook) to PC. As a matter of fact, to transfer iPad iBooks to PC not only can backup precious books for us, but also can make us read iBooks directly on computer, convert iPad iBooks (ePub, PDF, Audiobook) to other document format like word, excel, html etc to meet our varied demand, manage iPad like a portable hard disk and so on.

Guide: How to sync iPad, iPad 2 iBooks to PC with iPad iBooks to PC Transfer?

Step1: Download and install the software
download ipad ibooks to pc transfer

Step2: Connect iPad to the Transfer
After connect iPad to the Transfer, all the menus on the iPad will show up in the panel of the Transfer program.
connect ipad to transfer software

Step3: Transfer iPad, iPad 2 iBooks to PC
(1) Click the “Books” button on the left to display all the book files in the library panel.
(2) Choose the specific book files you want to transfer and check them by ticking in the corresponding box.
(3) Click the “Export checked files to local” button to transfer iPad, iPad 2 iBooks to PC and create a new folder to save them.
transfer ipad ibooks to pc

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