Security Researchers Detect Potentially Indestructible Botnet
Recently, security researchers at Kaspersky identified a new variant of TDSS malware. The security firm considers the new variant TDL4 as indestructible botnet, which has already infected over 4.5 million botnets. Computer systems in the United States (U.S) are the most affected, along with significant victims in India, Indonesia, and Great Britain. The writers of the malware have been improvising the botnet since the initial variant made the first appearance three years ago. Cybercriminals download TDL4 in target computers by using a distribution client to verify the operating system details of the targeted machine.
Botnets are networks of compromised computers, which cybercriminals use to propagate spam e-mails, and launch simultaneous attacks on target websites or networks. TDL4 comes with improvisations, which include updates to encryption algorithm, program functionality and minor changes to configuration file. According to security researchers, the malware first infects the master boot record (MBR) to launch itself before the victim machine’s operating system. As such, the malware enhances its longevity, escapes detection by security software and deletes other common malicious programs including Zeus. The botnet also blacklists details of command and control centers of other botnets. According to security researchers, makers are apparently attempting to create indestructible botnet, wherein they retain control of the compromised computers, even if counter crime agencies shut down botnet control centers. Professionals must enhance their capabilities by online university degree programs to deal with highly sophisticated threats.
The discovery of the TDL4 comes at a time, when Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and U.S Department of Justice (DOJ) recently announced the shutdown of Coreflood botnet after a two month long operation. The botnet had infected over 2 million computers worldwide. Earlier in the year, Microsoft joined hands with counter crime agencies to take down Rustock botnet. The botnet was allegedly capable of sending around 30 billion spam e-mails per day. The growing number of sophisticated threats has increased demand for security professionals qualified in computer science degree, penetration testing, computer forensics and incident management, among organizations and counter crime agencies.
According to security researchers at Kaspersky, the affiliates receive in the range of $20 to $200 for every thousand installations of TDL4 from cybercriminals. The detection of TDL4 again indicates that cybercriminals are constantly evolving their modus operandi to avoid detection and compromise large number of computers. International cooperation and coordinated effort of different counter crime agencies is crucial to deal with the sophisticated threats. Countries must encourage cyber security education among Internet users through awareness campaigns and introducing online degree programs.
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EC-Council is a member-based organization that certifies individuals in cybersecurity and e-commerce skills. It is the owner and developer of 16 security certifications, including Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), Computer Hacking Forensics Investigator (CHFI) and EC-Council Certified Security Analyst (ECSA)/License Penetration Tester (LPT). Its certificate programs are offered in over 60 countries around the world.
EC-Council has trained over 80,000 individuals and certified more than 30,000 members, through more than 450 training partners globally. These certifications are recognized worldwide and have received endorsements from various government agencies including the U.S. federal government via the Montgomery GI Bill, Department of Defense via DoD 8570.01-M, National Security Agency (NSA) and the Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS). EC-Council also operates the global series of Hacker Halted security conferences.