The Key Signs of an Unhealthy Relationship
We are all in some kind of a relationship. As you read this, you and me are in a relationship, of writer and a reader. You will read this article further, if you can relate to what is written. Similarly, every relationship is based on the ability of the persons involved in it, to relate with one another. It is when the ability or the capacity to relate to each other, dwindles under, pressurizing circumstances, that the unhealthy relationships signs begin to crop up. While reading this article, some of you may find some striking similarities of points mentioned in your relationship. However, do not jump to conclusions. At the end of this article, if you think that your relationship is unhealthy, then note, that at some point of time, it was healthy and work towards getting it back to that stage.
Unhealthy Relationships Signs
Communication Disconnected
Every relationship guru, will tell you that communication is the first step towards building a healthy relationship. If communication wavers due to distance, anger, misunderstandings or small lies, it’s warning signs unhealthy relationships. Go back in time, and analyze what got you together. It was because you could pour your heart out and there was someone to listen to you, that you initially bonded, thus, communication is the first string of healthy relationships. Repair the lost connection and talk things out.
Emotional Distance
Emotional fidelity is a huge binding factor in a relationship. We bond because, we trust the other person with our emotions, thoughts and sentiments. With a rise in social networking sites, long working hours and overall socializing, the emotional distance among couples is increasing. This is leading to emotional infidelity, tantamount, sometimes to cheating. If you don’t share your emotions with your partner, your relationship will hit a rough patch and remain there, unless to allow the other person to see through.
Great Expectations
It would be unrealistic of me to say, that don’t have any expectations. It is expectations that give us the drive to do things for each other and strive for better standards of living. However, when these expectations, begin to push your partner towards the edge, your relationship will take an unhealthy turn. Expecting that your partner will take care of your every problem, is supremely unrealistic, because sometimes, your partner will like to be cared for too. Thus, keep your expectations real. This will help you to grow mentally and spiritually with your partner.
Control Freak
It would be unjust to the fairer sex if I say, women are control freaks. Men too, have the incorrigible habit of controlling things. However, when this need to control everything, gets in the way of your relationship, then only God can help you out. There aren’t any specific 10 signs of an unhealthy relationship, but showing control by constantly instructing your partner can create a rift in the trust your partner has for you. Trust your partner with the things he/she is doing. Give some credibility to your partner, as by constantly doubting, you are doubting your own choice of person.
Lack of Intimacy
Intimacy is an integral part of a healthy relationship. Once you get yourself in the rut of unhealthy relationships signs, then you get stuck in the game of blame, disillusionment, pain and suffering. This drives you further away from each other and puts your sex life in a confinement of deprivation. These are clear signs of unhealthy relationship.
Unhealthy relationships signs can be very traumatizing. However, don’t get yourself thinking of, how to get out of an unhealthy relationship, because giving up is what cowards do. Give some space to your partner and allow channels of effective communication to flow once again. Unhealthy relationships are made by choice, as are healthy relationships. Thus, the choice has always been yours, so make the right one now!
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