Doors of industry trends and brand building – doors, windows and doors – metal i
Wood industry is the great development in recent years, a lot of doors for many years companies with rapid growth of China's economy has made considerable progress, from small to large, almost blink of an eye thing. Even their own are not ready to grow, and this is certainly encouraging, but many hidden dangers. The greatest danger is the blind expansion, corporate decision-makers think they can do everything, set the conditions do not meet its so-called grand strategy, you know, the wrong way is the most terrible, so how companies develop for their own actual conditions development strategy is very important, wood industry sector is very significant personality in the development of business process issues highlighted by the industry is very prominent, and the present wooden building materials industry, brand competition is heating, doors leading brand in China also in contrast, although by 2008
Financial Crisis, but the wood industry is still a very good job in recent years, industry growth rate of 25% of GDP in 2008, "China wood industry report" shows that our country every year to complete a construction area of over 1.6 billion square meters , in accordance with the wooden door industry accounts for 2 / 3 to each of the 100 million square meters of the potential market for the wood industry to provide a broad market space,
Impact on the market in the financial crisis and the impact of the process, the wood industry, "Shuffle" also increased, with enterprise-scale accelerated expansion, a number of regional brand is to the national market of radiation, some of the original production of flooring and furniture enterprises U-turn turning wood industry, Beijing, the only honorary title of wooden Beijing Famous Brand Enterprise, Beijing Bo Liang, general manager of Mr. Yu Hongchen wood year 2002 proposed to create "Chinese wooden doors leading brand" of the strategic plan, from 2007 Po Leung Wood also began breaking into the regional market Beijing
Sell Mesh more than 30 cities all over the country. In 2009 the company in response to financial crisis, the company introduced enhanced enterprise
Management , Increase R & D, upgrading production technology, a series of measures to streamline the company, greatly enhancing the competitiveness of the enterprise sector, Bo Liang Wood is the first introduction of the European wood composite door business, the company with first-class production equipment and perfect strict quality control system and the brand operation strategy, cut a striking figure in the wood industry, the development momentum of a concern.
It is understood that the enterprise engaged in manufacturing wooden doors nearly 5,000, as competition intensifies, wooden corporate brand value and demand for more and more intense, and the corporate brand is a long process of accumulation and extraction In China, the current market environment, the urgency of the brand-building has been fully revealed, it is foreseeable in the future market competition, brand sales force will become the main driving force is necessary to build the brand, the brand will become the market competitive weapon and a shield of business survival. The Chinese market is now showing the two important characteristics, on the one hand, continued strong consumer demand, but consumers still lack of knowledge on many products, is the leading enterprise and consumer brand development for a good time; On the other hand, the market changes in speed and changes in consumer-oriented rhythm very quickly, consumer behavior and other factors affected the price is relatively clear, a considerable number of industry market, brand loyalty is also very poor. The competition from the disorder transition to full competition in the market characteristics of the actual brand-building dropped from the unattainable height within reach, only to seize this excellent opportunity for brand building of enterprises to become market winners. How to better grasp the direction of business development and brand building, I propose the following two recommendations:
A correct understanding of industry trends:
For the wood industry, the most should pay attention to is the real estate market trends and consumer to the people. Basic can be expected in the next 2-3 years the market will enter a period of relative weakness. Because of the following aspects: First, the international economy into recession, a substantial decline in export demand, export-oriented enterprises will be more eyes to domestic demand; Second, the domestic economy has entered a period of adjustment, the real estate market continues to decline, domestic demand will be substantially reduced; high growth rates over the past years, a lot of demand for overdrafts, the current downward trend in house prices, an extension of a lot of demand, so the middle of the last few years formed a vacuum, it is very painful.
Second, to correctly understand the industry, brand building:
Brand concept into for many years and can say that so long as they have business to do more or less brand awareness and action, wooden door business is no exception, in recent years, wood industry has also made a good brand development, but one thing a lot of companies are neglected, it is widespread in society or an advisory body to vigorously promote the brand and the product features and building materials industry has a very different mode of operation, if not pay attention, will be entered Misunderstanding of brand building.
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