On the "favorite brands"

The world's leading creative advertising company Saatchi & Saatchi's Kevin Roberts, chief executive officer of the new book: "beloved brand," currently extremely popular in major bookstores, head of domestic major companies, branding has given close attention to staff . Kevin Roberts of the book described the "love" can lead the brand and business into the future, the re-establishment of a more far-reaching consolidation of the relationship between consumer and product point of view, it seems "that awoken" feeling .

    Kevin Roberts said, "love" is beyond the rational elements with consumers. He believes that the study of marketing naming former trademark or brand theory has to be evolved to the level of renovation that is injected into love, a "beloved brand." Kevin Roberts in his new book, the use of different one example, experience the world in different markets the story to prove his idea. He said, "beloved brand" is to make consumers feel that such goods or services is very special, great character, so that consumers can produce love, and can rely on this kind of love, its long-term recognition and emotional dependence.

    Love can transcend rational loyalty

     In the book, Kevin Roberts asked a thought for all business leaders should be the question: "in the end what constitutes loyalty beyond reason?." So what makes Apple users praise mac, ipod and imovie? What in google and its customers what exists between the magic? What is the emotional relationship driven millions into the Starbucks, it is no longer just a coffee chain? What exactly is the feeling that each year 360 million people worldwide into IKEA?

    Kevin Roberts The answer given in the book is one word – "love"! He said the composition of the magic of love include these components: a full commitment, respect, passion, mystery, emotion sharing, honesty, and more. Roberts with the "beloved brand" for the subject made a great summary. First of all, the world production of goods. Next, we invented the trademark. Then, the beginning of the 20th century era of big brand: Coca-Cola, Kodak, Gillette, Barbie, and Sony. Today, however, on the basis of business need to go further in the brand, but the emotional relevance and consumers, will be the all of our cutting-edge marketing campaigns and strategies based on innovation. This concept is exhausted after the blocked sale of magic, this "emotional relationship" must be two-way.

    Land, labor and capital used to be a necessary condition for success. Now, innovation, intelligence and creativity is the new global capital, which is all most need is: to create a great personal relationship – a great love. As wonderful as love, Mary Quandt and her mini was to become the world's fashion capital of London; as that wonderful relationship to become the world's largest IKEA furniture chain; the Coca-Cola and Fanta from the world the other 10 million kinds of cola and orange juice drinks separated; google, Yahoo can in so many competitors. This is because these brands and consumers had a "love" relationship, these brands Roberts called the "beloved brand."

     Kevin Roberts that the "beloved brand" is not a business or marketing personnel, but rather love it and use it to consumers, it can engender loyalty beyond reason. Here on the "irreplaceable" to "irresistible" and beloved brand can be anything that people care about.

How to create a "beloved brand"

    "Favorite brands" through three main elements to be created, that is: mystery, sensuality and intimacy. Mystique is the use of funny stories, with past, present and future continuity, so that dream to continue. Senses, through sound, pictures, smell, taste and other sensory driven emotions; and intimacy with the brand promise, sympathy and passion. A brick-making industry of young people who ask Kevin Roberts, how to give emotional bricks. Kevin Roberts said, "can not do", but can show that the bricks behind things: family, family to sit around the fireplace and feel safe and warm; have success, build up high-rise construction workers, and their full of passion, and I hope to touch the sky dream.

    Kevin Roberts to do with love, horizontal, vertical coordinates of respect to do that in this coordinate system, he thought the low degree of respect and low love arise out of the name products; low degree of respect, a high degree of love is brought out by various fashion stuff; high esteem, low levels of love arise out of a brand. Only those who win the consumer a high degree of respect and love the products high in order to sublimate the "beloved brand." Here on the use of mystery, sensuality and intimacy three basic elements, the formation of incomparable charm through its own advantages, can generate consumer brand loyalty beyond reason. Only through this pursuit of three major elements of an unshaken can create a favorite brand – the brand's future. To be successful, all businesses now have their own relationship with the customer, into the relationship beyond the brand.

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