All You Wanted to Know About Sports Nutrition
Sport is probably the number one or number two leisure in the world. Individuals are fascinated by sport, but why is it so fascinating? Is it envy? Do we wish that we could run that fast, play that well and make that much money? Or do we identify with with the athletes? Do we realize how much they suffered, worked and gave up to get to the top of their chosen field of competition?
Whatever the reason, it appears that in these days of physical excellence, you cannot become a top athlete and hold down a ordinary job at the same time. In the Seventies, the small country of Wales had the best rugby team in the world for about a decade, but half of the players were only regular guys with regular jobs.
Training was negligible when likened with today. These days a world-beating team like that would be unimaginable under those circumstances. However, it is still possible to become an adept athlete with decent nutrition even if you might not get to be world champion.
Is there an all-in-one sports nutrition supplement? A silver bullet that can make you fit and healthy? Almost certainly not, although there are helpful one-stop products that will give your body all it needs under standard conditions.
This is useful for the busy person, because it takes the thinking, studying and shopping out of the equation saving you time. If you go looking for an all-in-one sports nutrient take your time and get one that is suitable for what you do or would like to do.
For example a marathon runner would probably require a different mix than a weight lifter, although the fundamental nutrients are almost certainly the same. A weight lifter needs instant power, whereas a marathon runner requires stamina. So be sure you get the right one.
If you are only doing a bit or jogging, hiking a few miles or playing a game of football a week, the runner’s mix is almost certainly better for you than the power lifter’s mix. Which brings me on to the next topic.
These mixes often have a lot of calories in them, so keep in mind to work those calories off with extra exercise or reduce your intake of other foodstuffs to compensate or you will blow up like a balloon!
One thing is for certain, a good all-in-one sport nutrient will not be cheap. If it is cheap, check the sell-by date and definitely check the contents. How are the calories made up? Is it mostly from carbohydrates? Carbohydrates are cheap or most are anyway and they are quickly converted to energy which will cause sugar spikes in your blood. Is that what you want? Are you a power lifter?
Dearer mixes will contain more protein which has a slower burn allowing your blood to handle the blood/sugar levels more easily. Another thing to check is whether the mix contains the full recommended daily amount (RDA) of all the vitamins and minerals that you need. And check the fibre content because calories without fibre is not healthy either.
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