Yunnan Cai prices go into five

Affected by the drought, some food prices are rising. Yunnan, Guizhou, Chongqing and rice have begun to buy into the rice, some produced in Yunnan, the flower and fruit is also high because of the price reduction due to drought. From the expected point of view, in a round of severe drought in the region are mostly the main vegetable origin, if the weather continued drought, vegetable prices will inevitably be affected. Wu family farmers market operators complained to reporters that he purchased 78 varieties, most of them are in prices. Particularly from Yunnan, southern Sichuan and other species in arid regions, or more obvious, such as eggplant, tomatoes are up about 50%.

Comments: The large number of vegetables to the harvest will not die in the ground dry, market forces determine supply and demand tension will inevitably lead to higher prices. The spring drought that wiped out a spring, the natural harvest is not expected, and dropped two quarters of this year's harvest less about price inflation appears to have made. In February, reached the national CPI rose 2.7%. Now, by the southwest region of extraordinary drought, price inflation will reach 3% inflation quickly cordon it? And more terrible than the natural disasters lies in man-made, often there are always unscrupulous profiteers from the national crisis money, the more people He needed the more roasted goods, store goods, than the consumption of natural disasters on the livelihood of the people pushing up the role of harsh. If the current drought in food prices is only a direct manifestation, then, if the policy does not strike out as soon as possible to avoid unscrupulous profiteers took the opportunity to hype will soon find that food prices not brake cars. According to past experience, often times a shortage in supplies, food safety issues will highlight the fish in troubled waters, so fake. A drought, can be said of the government regulation of food safety and food safety double the College Entrance Examination.

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